This is a small, but significant update as to what Marc has done to the Nacelles with his fantastic scratch built parts. Currently, George of Timeslip Creations is busy with 2011 Wonderfest Preparations so while pieces are being created, there will be a slight delay until after WF this year. He states we should have all the parts completed by the end of 2011. By the way… some of these parts are being mastered by famed artist Scott Spicer… which I am very excited to report. Until these parts come in…. and even when they do, there will be some scratch building done to make these two studio models even more detailed than the original filming model. I want these to be as if the ships were real… and we simply shrunk them with an imaginary shrink ray! Of course, without all the real technology, but I think everyone will understand what I mean. Marc is doing fantastic work.
Here is what Marc has to say of this update…
Kurt, here’s an update, all eight pieces have the flashing removed and smoothed out so both sides can be assembled come time, which isn’t that far away, note: the inner clear grills will be one of the last parts installed due to the fact that this area will remain an open access while lighting installed, yes my hand can fit in there perfectly!!, I plan to have the clear grills a removable part for future electronics access, both inner and outer grills have been opened up and smoothed out now are ready for the grill inserts, the very front of the nacelles will be opened up after both sides of the nacelles are assembled that way I can accurately outline the correct shape of the foreword grills, also I test primered two sides white just to get a better preview of how it will look since the base color of the Enterprise is flat white.
I just finished assembling the four rear nacelle fins, what you see in these pics is still rough as each fin has to be rounded out along their edges, the ribbed detail plates are ready and will be glued on after all the fins are attached to each nacelle, I have decided to go ahead with as much as possible so the nacelles will be done or at very least far ahead of the other parts being sent to me, my plan is to work on every part as it arrives, finish it and then put it aside for the next available part. Next I will be making the rear outer reaction control thruster fins.
Marc Elkins
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