Category Dario Hector Gerlini

1:700 I.J.N. Super Yamato by Erick Navas of I.P.M.SOL

One of the most amazing Battleships in world history has been honored with this fantastic build from I.P.M.SOL Member Erick Navas of Peru! One of the aspects I very much enjoy of this artists build is his attention to detail. Just beautiful work!

Here is what artist Erick Navas has to tell of this build…

El Super Yamato iba a ser el sucesor del mitico Yamato. De haberse culminado ni el Iowa ni su sucesor el Montana norteamericanos hubieran podido hacerle frente. Los Iowa y Montana norteamericanos tenian cañones de 406mm, los Yamato de 460mm y el Super Yamato iba a portar cañones de 508mm!

La Armada Imperial Japonesa habia optado por estos Super Yamato al tener desventaja numerica frente a las US Navy...

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1:700 U.S.S. Intrepid CV-11 by Erick Navas

Artist Erick Navas is back again with another fantastic naval build! The U.S.S. Intrepid! Every detail is stunning as is his usual work of his subjects. he indeed is a great artist!

Here is what artist Erick Navas has to tell of this piece…

USS Intrepid CV-11 (Portaviones)
1:700 Hasegawa

El USS Intrepid (CV/CVA/CVS-11), también conocido como The Fighting I, fue uno de los 24 portaaviones de la clase Essex construidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para la Marina de los Estados Unidos. Es el cuarto buque Marina de EE.UU. que lleva este nombre

Comisionado en agosto de 1943, el Intrepid participó en varias campañas en el Teatro de Operaciones del Pacífico, en particular la Batalla del Golfo de Leyte...

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1:350 Admiral Kuznetsov by Louis Carabott

Built from the Trumpeter Kit, I.P.M.SOL Member and Artist Louis Carabott made a fantastic Museum “looking” display of the final piece! I am always impressed when an artist places the extra small details into their creations. This entire piece is full of those tiny details that so many often leave off simply to complete the build. Louis Carabott… you have done a fantastic job! As seen on the Dario Hector Gerlini’s I.P.M.SOL Facebook site, here is the Admiral Kuznetsov by Louis Carabott.

To view more of the masterful artists from the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL, please click their banner link below…







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1:350 IJN Nagato by Ranier Michalek

I have the pleasure of introducing another great talent to this Gallery site… Germany’s own Ranier Michalek! After viewing this piece on Dario Hector Gerlini’s I.P.M.SOL Facebook site, and then being befriended by him, I simply could not resist showing this amazing piece. From the smallest details to the extreme water effects, THIS is what this art form is all about! Absolutely beautiful!

To view more of the masterful artists from the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL, please click their banner link below…





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1:600 ACH Akmirante Latorre by Erick Navas

Another beautiful build by artist Erick Navas! From the AirFix Kit, to a beautiful Museum Display!

Here is what Erick has to say…

El acorazado HMS Canadá, después llamado Almirante Latorre, en honor del vicealmirante don Juan José Latorre, fue un buque tipo dreadnought que sirvió con su primer nombre en la Marina Real (Royal Navy) del Reino Unido y, con su segunda denominación, en la Armada de Chile.

The battleship HMS Canada, then called Almirante Latorre, in honor of Vice Admiral Don Juan José Latorre, was a dreadnought type vessel that served as his first name in the Royal Navy (Royal Navy) in the UK and, with his second term in Armada de Chile.

To view more of the masterful artists from the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL, please click their banner link below…







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Sherman M4A4 Tank by Massimo Gandolphi of I.P.M.SOL

I have the great pleasure of showing yet another artist from the Facebook Military Modeling Group I.P.M.SOL… Mr. Massimo Gandolphi! His work on the M4A4 is fantastic. The weathering alone makes for a very realistic look! I am looking forward to showing more of this artists works in the future.

To view more of the masterful artists from the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL, please click their banner link below…










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1:100 Monitor Huascar by Erick Navas

I absolutely love this artist’s works! Mr. Erick Navas again impresses this gallery with his build of the Monitor Huascar! The detailing is magnificent as are the water effects! What really stands out for me is the realistic weathering of the ships hull!

Again, taken direct from the pages of Dario Hector Gerlini’s fantastic military modeling group, I.P.M.SOL, here is what Erick has to say…

Monitor Huascar
Escala 1:100 Modelo de papel o papermodel de la revista Caretas
(Tripulacion y detalles adicionales en varios materiales)
El Huascar fue realmente un vapor de cañon construido en Inglaterra en 1864 por encargo del Perú. En tiempos en los que estos navios eran diseños experimentales el bajo nivel de su cubierta sobre el nivel del mar, apenas 1...

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1:350 Battleship Missouri by Erick Navas

Taken direct from the pages of Dario Hector Gerlini’s modeling group, I.P.M.SOL, comes again this fantastic artist with this great build of the Battleship Missouri! Artist Erick Navas definitely knows his stuff and is greatly talented. The model is highly detailed and very clean!

Here is what Mr. Navas has to say of this build…

Acorazado Missouri
Escala 1:350 Mini Hobbie Models (Photo etched y tripulacion adicionales)
El USS Missouri fue un acorazado de la clase Iowa y participo en la 2da Guerra Mundial donde fue celebre por firmarse a bordo la rendición japonesa. Tenia 270 mts de largo y cañones de 406mm. Fue modernizado y participo tambien en las guerras de Korea y el Golfo Persico por la utilidad y economia que lograban sus cañones bombardeando pocisiones costeras.

Battleship Missour...

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1:35 MARINA Infantry Battalion No. 5 (BIM5) Diorama by Daniel Gonzalez of I.P.M.SOL

I saw this piece when artist Dario Hector Gerlini, Founder of the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL showed it to me via email. Built by artist Daniel Gonzalez, this is a beautiful job!

Here is what Dario Hector Gerlini had to tell me of this wonderful Diorama Build by Daniel…

Dear friend Kurt, this work is done by DANIEL GONZALEZ 106.6 mm MORTAR. Escape: 1 / 35
MARINA Infantry Battalion No. 5 (BIM5)-ARMADA ARGENTINA-
His first mission was to fire some English vessels approaching the entrance to Port HARRIET toward SAN BAY
MONTE southern WILLIAM.Se used around 15/20 between illuminating projectiles, explosives and other weapons aborting the attempt. (ISLAS MALVINAS 1982)

To view more of the masterful artists from the Facebook Group I.P.M.SOL, please click their banner link below…






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