One of the most amazing Battleships in world history has been honored with this fantastic build from I.P.M.SOL Member Erick Navas of Peru! One of the aspects I very much enjoy of this artists build is his attention to detail. Just beautiful work!
Here is what artist Erick Navas has to tell of this build…
Read MoreEl Super Yamato iba a ser el sucesor del mitico Yamato. De haberse culminado ni el Iowa ni su sucesor el Montana norteamericanos hubieran podido hacerle frente. Los Iowa y Montana norteamericanos tenian cañones de 406mm, los Yamato de 460mm y el Super Yamato iba a portar cañones de 508mm!
La Armada Imperial Japonesa habia optado por estos Super Yamato al tener desventaja numerica frente a las US Navy...
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