Category SkunkWurkzModels

1:350 Klingon Bird of Prey w/Funtioning Wings by SkunkWurkzModels

This fantastic piece was done by an artist of . He manually cut each piece of the wing baffles so that he could have them fully functional…. to move all the way up… and all the way down in attack position! Nicely done!

Here is what the artist has to say of this great piece…

Here’s the KBOP images.. I did this some time ago. The baffles were hand cut from styrene are hinged so that the wings can be positioned manually. Also, it has lights as can be seen from the photo and includes a hand made base in the shape of a Klingon symbol. The bottom right and left arrows are actually switches that turn on the lights and fire the torpedo. I’m particularly happy with this one!

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1:350 U.S.S. Voyager (Kit Master) by SkunkWurkzModels

Star Trek fans get ready! There is a BEAST of a kit on the way!

Mastered by, this piece will be 3feet long and 14 inches wide! Here is a photo of it next to the already big Monogram kit…

SkunkWurkzModels is currently sending this master to Ed of Monkey Works Models to be cast as a kit, then will be building it with lights for an entirely different viewing here. I am very much looking forward to viewing and showing the finished piece… and being able to send referrals for kit purchases.

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