Category New Deal Studios

The INTERSTELLAR Studio Models

Artist Marc Elkins came home a few weeks ago after viewing the film Interstellar, and immediately emailed me how impressed he was with the film, and the model effects. Why was he so impressed? New Deal Studios and Director Christopher Nolan decided to use real studio models once again to create the great effect they wanted on film… which they achieved very well! GREAT JOB TO ALL INVOLVED! Below are photos of the models in use, and a great write-up I used from that Karl Tate and Kip Thorne made…

I can only say the shots of the miniatures in the film Interstellar are fantastic, I didn’t realize it when I saw the film but I remember thinking WOW the ships in the film look 100% real and to my amazement they didn’t use CGI, finally some nice miniature filming and they look beautiful...

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VALIANT – A USC Thesis Film by Robin Phillips and Crew

I am always honored to show on Modeler Magic the works of up and coming film artists! This specific artist has already captured the attention of several main stream Hollywood film making professionals…. some of whom have assisted in this very production! I welcome the works of Robin Phillips. Assisting Robin are several talents: Tom McDowell, Rich Suchy, Greg Boettcher, Ed Romo and Olivia Miseroy! Not to mention Fon Davis and Jason Kisvarday. Special thanks are to be noted to New Deal Studios with their artist’s, noted above, participation.




Hello Everyone!

I thought this project might be of interest to the community and I wanted to see if you all might be able to help out! Below are pictures from my thesis at the USC film school entitled “Valiant...

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Berton Pierce’s SENSE OF SCALE – A Documentary Film of Industry Model Making


This documentary is about the dying art of model making. Focusing on the personal stories of the model makers whose work shaped and enhanced the impact of feature films and gave it a breathtaking scale. Their practical hands on art is now slowly dying out, giving way to computer generated imagery.

The model makers share their experiences along with personal insights and behind the scenes views from films they worked on. Included are some of the best and well known model makers worldwide. The films on which they have worked include; STAR WARS, STAR TREK, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, GHOSTBUSTERS, JAMES BOND GOLDENEYE, ARMAGEDDON, MOON, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, CITY OF LOST CHILDREN, 1941, STARSHIP TROOPERS, UNDERWORLD, WATERWORLD, GODZILLA, TITANIC!

Berton Pierce directed Sense of Scale, his first featu...

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Modeler Magic Chats with New Deal Studios C.E.O. SHANNON BLAKE GANS


Recently we were honored to be able to speak with the Co-Founders of New Deal Studios… one of the most utilized and famed FX studios in existence today. Today’s shared chat recording happened on April 22, 2011 with New Deal Studio’s C.E.O. and Co-Founder Shannon Blake Gans! Recognized as one of the top C.E.O.’s in the Industry, together we speak of how New Deal Studios came to be, what their plans are for the future, and what possibilities exist for any artist wishing to get into the industry! Modeler Magic, and myself are very honored to be speaking with these leaders in the industry art form, and to be able to share those chats with the world!

Below is a button to hear my chat with New Deal Studio’s C.E.O. and Co-Founder…...

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Modeler Magic Chats with New Deal Studio’s IAN HUNTER


As stated in an earlier posting, New Deal Studios approached Modeler’s Miniature’s and Magic with their great appreciation of showing the art form that they represent so well in Film and Effects. That stated, I am honored to be able to be able to host such wonderful artworks of so many amazing artists from around the world… and now New Deal Studios is making it possible to open it up further with what they are able to share with us all, speak of what their own views are of this art form and industry, and tell us  what it takes for artists to be in the industry that New Deal Studios has climbed to the top of in such a short period of time...

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Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic Welcomes NEW DEAL STUDIOS


New Deal Studios…. a Studio that is literally changing the way we view entertainment! Founded by talents Shannon Gans, Ian Hunter and Matthew Gratzner in 1995, this studio has made some of the largest film hits of all time. From one of their latest films… INCEPTION, to Iron Man, to The Dark Knight, I am Legend… even HALO3 and the most recent famed Old Spice commercials….the list continues to be amazing! Truly a Studio taking the reins to lead us into a better way of viewing entertainment!

I was contacted by New Deal Studio Director of Development Brooke Keesling two weeks ago with the thoughts of being able to share on Modeler’s Miniature’s and Magic what the artists at New Deal Studios have done....

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GAIKING from New Deal Studios & Digital Set Designer Scott Schneider

From New Deal Studios… and Art Director/Digital Set Designer & Illustrator Scott Schneider, comes this fantastic possible movie we all recognize from our youth watching Anime’ Cartoons like Shogun Warriors….. Here is a look at GAIKING!

According to the New Deal Studios site article, back in March 2010, word emerged that director Matthew Gratzner and special effects artist Jules Urbach are spearheading a feature film adaptation of “Gaiking”, based on a ’70s Japanese anime series that is better known in America as part of the “Shogun Warriors” toy line.

Gratzner and Urbach also released an impressive teaser trailer when the initial announcement was made. And while the film is still looking for a home, the filmakers will soon be searching for potential screenwriters, according to Urbach.


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