Category MPC

Fire Engines have always intrigued me, and this classic Steam Fire Engine by Warren Zoell is fantastic!
Warren Zoell
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I pulled out my really old MPC X-Wing kit to build, and I kind of got carried away with it. What started as a simple out of the box build became a little more. I threw out the cannons and replaced them with brass rods, spruced up the cockpit a bit (as the kit one was pathetic), then I added two mounting points (one on the bottom with a plug and one in the rear with a plug). I cut out the round area in the rear area and glued in a magnet on the back. I then added detail to the interior wings and cut off those two damned nubs, and filling the holes on the wings. I lit up the engines with four red flickering LED’s, with The cockpit and R2 unit using Fiber Optics, and placing styrene bits here and there...
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Here are some photos of my 1/48 MPC Space 1999 Eagle one build. The model was first primed black, then air brushed with tan, white and a final coat of off-white coat like the miniatures. It also features…
Aluminum Engine Bells, a Lit Cockpit, Weathering and Panel Shading via my Air Brush, and replacement springs to effect the correct landing stance.
Mark Myers

This is the old MPC model kit from 1980! I Modified the wings so they turn up and down, added detail to the guns, and placed lights in the engine. I then added sound effects and a green light in the cockpit.
Steve Carricato
Spacecraft Creation Models

Here is yet another fantastic new release from Mystery 10’s Jason Eaton! The title states it all and I am sure that once these reach Jason’s Mystery 10 site, there will be an excellent back-story to read! If anyone ever questioned what the MPC may look like… they would find their answer right here with these beauties! I love what Jason has done here!

This diorama by artist Kenneth Gogan is wonderful! This was actually shown on Modelers Miniatures & Magic back on March 31, 2009. We have seen a few Hoth Battle dioramas and it is always great to see the different aspects that artists place into them. Ken scratch built the small Snowspeeders to be in scale with the MPC Imperial Walker (AT-AT) Kits. I love smoke coming from Luke’s crashed Snowspeeder. Beautifully done!

Built from the old MPC kit back in 1994, this RED 2 X-Wing model was also shown here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic back on April 10, 2009! I love this landed version “look” of the X-Wing. Artist Ian Lawrence continues his excellence as an artist today with his creations and builds in this art form.
Ian Lawrence
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This diorama by artist Stefan Hacker is magnificent! So much so that we brought it forward from it’s original April 18, 2009 showing date here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic. The details are fantastic, including the “Easter Egg” of the numbers above the door being 1138…. which is reference to George Lucas’s 1971 film, THX-1138. Fantastic work!