Category Seaquest Selections

Berton Pierce’s SENSE OF SCALE – A Documentary Film of Industry Model Making


This documentary is about the dying art of model making. Focusing on the personal stories of the model makers whose work shaped and enhanced the impact of feature films and gave it a breathtaking scale. Their practical hands on art is now slowly dying out, giving way to computer generated imagery.

The model makers share their experiences along with personal insights and behind the scenes views from films they worked on. Included are some of the best and well known model makers worldwide. The films on which they have worked include; STAR WARS, STAR TREK, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, GHOSTBUSTERS, JAMES BOND GOLDENEYE, ARMAGEDDON, MOON, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, CITY OF LOST CHILDREN, 1941, STARSHIP TROOPERS, UNDERWORLD, WATERWORLD, GODZILLA, TITANIC!

Berton Pierce directed Sense of Scale, his first featu...

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COMING SOON!! Ian Blaza’s – Spaceships of Science Fiction Bookazine!

Magazine Designer Ian Blaza, and Ian Allan Publishing are producing a new publication… Spaceships of Science Fiction! This publication looks fantastic as you can see for yourself with the examples he emailed me to show here on Modeler Magic!

I have attached some sample spreads of the Spaceships of Science fiction publication with a brief synopsis.

Synopsis: For over a century cinema goers have been enthralled by films looking into the future and the endless possibilities of space travel. Spaceships of Science Fiction takes a nostalgic look at iconic spacecraft and cult classics from the world of TV and film.

Starting with an in depth history of the genre,  the Spaceships of Science Fiction will then focus on a selection of spaceships from early films such as The Forbidden Planet and War of...

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SEAQUEST – Composite Art by Warren Zoell

Back again is the fantastic Canadian artist Warren Zoell! Today showing his talent in placing the Seaquest in an actual scene! Nicely done!

To visit the fantastic artist’s site, please click on his banner link below…


To view this piece in it’s high resolution size, please click on it…

Sea Quest

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Seaquest from the Mark Dickson Collection

Here are a few CG renders of the Seaquest and other vessels from the television show Seaquest.

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