Colonial Movers
“We move anywhere”
– 40th Anniversary Battlestar Galactica –
Genesis of my Colonial Movers spaceship!
Only few spaceships from the series “Battlestar Galactica” are so well known as the “Colonial Movers” spaceship. Since my childhood the TV-series and especially their spaceships are fascinating me. For the TV- series real models were built out of thousands of pieces of model kits from tanks, ships, planes etc. Maybe due to this familiar parts the spaceships from “Battlestar Galactica” seemed to be more real than the spaceships from other movies or series of that time.
I first had to decide which kit I’d have to buy to built the “Colonial Movers”. There are two different producers of the model kit in studio scale: LARSON DESIGN (USA) and J.A.W.S...
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