June 23, 2011
Built as a one off just to see where his imagination would take him, here is the fantastic and re-imagined Klingon D7/K’Tinga that Richard Long created! Originally thinking it would be in 1:350 scale, it became clear very quickly that this beast was MUCH larger and is now considered to be built in 1:650 scale. That would make is to scale with the original AMT/ERTL TOS Enterprise kits, as well as the Sovereign Replicas 1701-E and 1701-D formerly released kits! This is a beautiful piece and it is now up for sale to the lucky collector who offer’s the right price! I am aware of at least 7 collectors trying to get this piece! Good luck Gentlemen! If you are interested, you may wish to make an offer, but make sure it is a reasonable one for what this piece actually is…which IS the ONLY one on the entire planet! I almost expect to see this design used in a new Trek film, if not a game soon. The Gaming companies are already approaching Richard with offers regarding this design. This piece is too amazing to NOT consider!
To view earlier updates of this piece, please click HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE!
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