I have the great pleasure today of introducing another fine artist to this Gallery…. Mr. Jim Graham from Greenfield, IN. This beautiful build, of what was once the Cut-A-Way AMT Kit, is fantastic with it’s lighting and final paint job. It looks like it could be a studio model! A very nice first showing to the many pieces we hope to show of this artist’s talents!
Here is what artist Jim Graham had to say of this build…
This is the 22″ Cutaway Enterprise That I built as one piece. I added the lights to the Primary & Secondary Hull myself. The nacelle light I purchased as a kit. I used a combination of Tenax 7-R , Super Glue , and Bondo to build her. Paint color is Tamiya Light Ghost Gray. Decals are both what came with the kit & from JT-Graphics.
Jim Graham
To contact Jim Graham direct, please click HERE.