Famed artist Jim Creveling…. his name screams BATTLESTAR GALACTICA! Why? Because he is considered to be the first person to replicate the amazing studio model from the 1978 film and original series! This model is one of the most complex built of it’s time, and it’s secrets were kept for a few decades other than to the few that had actually worked on it at Apogee. Jim had taken on the beast that everyone wanted, but was afraid to approach due to the magnificence in the amount of parts that needed identifying. Through massive study of the model’s photos, and the partial restoration of the original studio model by artist Mark Bradley (which is now owned and in the collection of Mr. Gary Cannavo SEEN HERE), Jim managed to come up with enough measurements and detail to build his own! Since then, (because we purchased the rights to the close up photos of the actual Studio Model in Gary’s Collection, then released them to the public as public domain)…. all the parts have now been identified allowing Jim, among other fantastic artists, to build their Galactica Replicas with perfection and quality to those who can afford their work.
Last week I was contacted by collector Michael Plante who had purchased a Jim Creveling Battlestar Replica. Michael emailed me the photos that are shown here today. Though I have yet to confirm with Jim himself that this is Jim’s first Galactica build…. I, and other artists who I have shown these photos to believe that it is. That would also make it the model that is suggested to be shown on the DVD set box. If this is indeed that model, then this specific build actually carries a solid value as a collectible that is significantly more than the original cost of the build. Just as the real Galactica studio model has amazing, yet priceless value, this model (being it is the first replica) is also a very desired piece among collectors. Knowing this fact, along with Jim’s good name of quality, and the condition it is shown in the photos below, I would actually assign an estimated Gallery appraised value to this piece to be around $30,000 to $35,000 dollars. If this is not Jim’s first Galactica replica build, then the appraised value will remain at what a current replacement cost would be… $25,000. Of course these numbers change with the economic times, the numbers of those alike replicas in the world, and their demand from high end collectors.
Here is a little information for you future collectors out there. Some may think that the amount stated above is too low, while others may be in sticker shock. This is what it costs to have these types of collectibles. The original studio model was built in the ’70’s for am amazing amount of money by a number of talented artists with a movie budget in mind… which at that time usually priced the models higher that were large enough to have convincing camera close ups that made the model look as large as if it were a real ship. Replicas are not like this at all, as a multi-million dollar budget is not thrown at them to be made. However, some are even built with better quality than the original. One such beautiful replica I have personally seen, with accurate parts, built for an amazing low price of $5,000. That stated, I also have knowledge of collectors purchasing studio Galactica replicas for upwards of $60,000.. and I am told all the way to the $100K price in the past, but that is not common place, and those collector’s most likely placed other requests to be done to their display piece other than replicating the simple, yet highly complex replica, adding to it’s cost dramatically. In today’s collectible market, a 6 foot studio Battlestar replica, with accurate parts, averages around $25,000 complete with lighting and armature, depending on the artist one chooses. Remember, these prices are never set, and can change as stated above.
I wish to thank collector Michael Plante for allowing Modeler Magic to show this fantastic replica he owns.You have a wonderful piece in your collection!
To view more of artist Jim Creveling’s builds, please click HERE!
Enjoy the photos full size by clicking on each thumbnail…