Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic is honored to announce TITAN Models & Memorabilia!… A new company launch within the art form that will enhance everything we know! And they want to make what YOU want! Check out what TITAN M&M has to offer!!
As a leading producer of accurate replica model kits, we take pride in offering the most desired ships in the science fiction universe. We are dedicated to producing the finest kits, and we have the experience and knowledge to do it.
Our team is composed of industry leaders that have been in this business for decades, as well as the business minds to keep customer service as our #1 priority.
We will make the kits that YOU want, and we will deliver them as promised.
Also, the manager of Titan is a Christian, and as such my faith mandates that I share that with you, our customers. Please contact me if you would like to hear more about my faith in Jesus and how it has blessed my life. I am always happy to preach or do business, but if I must choose one or the other, then I will preach. If you have to choose between buying one of our model kits or giving to your local church, I would ask that you give to your church. We’ll still be here to buy from later! May God bless us all!
Come meet the Titan team in person and see our products at the following events! We love to hang out with fellow science fiction enthusiasts and put faces to names. Please contact us at admin@titansciencefiction.com for more information.
- 2013 WONDERFEST (May 18 & 19): Come visit our exciting Display Tables!
- More to come!!
To visit TITAN Models & Memoralbilia’s site direct, please click the banner link above.
To contact TITAN M&M direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.