Category Revell/Monogram

Ian Lawrence’s REVELL/MONOGRAM 1:72 Space Shuttle with Boosters!

This piece was originally shown here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic back on January 25, 2009 and now updated to today’s showing standard! U.K. artist Ian Lawrence is always impressive with what his builds over the decades. This beautiful piece was made from the Revell/Monogram kit.

“Here is the full stack Shuttle built for myself. I always wanted to do this model but never had the chance when it was generally available. Thanks to the Internet, that situation was rectified. Though there are some questions to the accuracy of the orbiter shape, when you get a model that stands some 31 inches plus tall i consider that to be purely academic.

Makes for an imposing beastie once built. There are more than one or two upgrade parts available about the net...

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Garry King’s COLONIAL VIPER & CYLON RAIDER Builds from 1981! (A Look into the Past of Scratch Model Building! Part 3)

Artist Garry King’s early scratch and build artworks continue to inspire me with memories of these fantastic designs and kits of the 1970’s. These look to be heavily modified MONOGRAM Kit builds from that time. I must admit to also loving what he did in his photos from that time! Wonderful!

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Ian Lawrence’s REVELL/MONOGRAM 1/72 Babylon 5 STARFURY

Originally shown here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic 11 years ago, back on 1/29/2009, I thought this piece would be great to update to today’s showing standards…

Made from the Revell Monogram Kit, U.K. Artist Ian Lawrence brought this piece to life. Babylon 5 is an absolute fantastic science fiction story. One of the most realistic vessels in these stories were the Star Fury Fighters assigned to the massive 5 mile long space station. Each pilot (just like today’s fighter pilots) had call signs and paint schemes to match those call signs, and squadron identification. Ian did an amazing job with this build! Not to mention that I love the Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil painted on the top! This is a beautiful bird indeed!

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Universal Modeler – François Fleury – Imperial Shuttle IDAS (Imperial Dignitary Armored Shuttle) and TIE Striker

This is my last custom kit bash! Made from a Revell Tydirium kit, this is the Imperial Shuttle IDAS (Imperial Dignitary Armored Shuttle). The scale is 1/144 and I built a BanDai TIE Striker to go along with it!
Thank you, and may the Force be with you!
François Fleury
Universal Modeler


François Fleury






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Steve Egger’s -3D Parts Enhanced- REVELL 1/29 X-Wing

This is the Revell 1/29 kit. Overall it’s not a bad kit, but it’s not that great either. It needs some help to be a respectable representation of an ILM miniature. I could have really gone to town on this model, but if I did all of the aftermarket stuff available and at the rate I build, it would be another year before I finished it.

Here’s what I did :

  • Falcon 3D Parts Plant on cannon mounts
  • Falcon 3D Parts cannons
  • Falcon 3D Parts canopy
  • Falcon 3D Parts Pilot figure
  • Scratch built additional details in the engine bays
  • Added hoses to the cockpit
  • Added canopy actuators to the cockpit
  • Removed the molded on engines and reworked them to better represent the ILM model
  • Added additional detail to the aft section

Overall, I think it turned out good. I’m my worst critic...

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François Fleury’s REVELL 1/241 Millennium Falcon

Photographed by François’s brother, Julien Fleury, this tiny model build by François turned out magnificent! I love this diorama…


François Fleury



Julien Fleury





Revell – Monogram



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic


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Christopher Olson’s 1/48 Revell TIE FIGHTER

This is my Revell 1/48 scale Tie Fighter. I’ve added a photo etch wall interior for lighting as well as some photo etch exterior details. The engines are lit with flickering LEDs and the lasers fire upon button activation in the base of my model. A secondary button activates random Tie Fighter sound effects. The base is custom built from a jewelry storage container flipped over with all of my electronics residing inside. It’s all powered through a 5v USB cable. The laser fire is controlled from an Adafruit Trinket and the sound effects from an Adafruit Audio FX mini Board, which I loaded with Tie Fighter sound files.
Christopher Olson

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Dirk Karsten’s REVELL EasyKit TIE Fighter

This is the Revell Easykit I had for a while and decided to paint it to train my airbrush skills. Tamiya colors, Starship wash and Streaking fluids from AMMO MIG were used. I tried a bit of decent chipping and dry brushing on this build. The case socket is made from “walnut tree” … , felt and brass. The red cockpit light can be switched on, the LED is integrated in the brass tube stand.

Dirk Karsten

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Dirk Karsten’s REVELL Venator-Class Star Destroyer

This is the older Revell Kit. The scale is roughly 1:2700. I built this years ago straight OOB. This year I used it as test build to check my airbrush and other skills. I wanted a battleship, plain and simple, with not much coloring, and a decent “used” look. Tamiya colors, Starship wash and Streaking fluids from AMMO MIG were used. The stand is brass and stained wood which were polished then.

Dirk Karsten
DUBZ – Custom Model Building & Else

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Revell 1/96 – 1975 Apollo-Soyuz – “Docked” by Steve Carricato

The Apollo–Soyuz Test Project, conducted in July 1975, was the first joint U.S.–Soviet space flight, as a symbol of the policy of détente that the two superpowers were pursuing at the time. It involved the docking of an Apollo Command/Service Module with the Soviet Soyuz 19. Artist Steve Carricato captured this historic event with this magnificent Revell kit build!

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