I can never say enough positively about famed professional artist Tobias Richter of The Light Works. His builds in both physical and digital realms are pure inspiration. And now, building the design of famed artist Andrew Probert, (an artist that has inspired us all through these past decades with his Star Trek, and other amazing achievements), this Ambassador Class Starship is truly what Science Fiction is about. Especially that of Star Trek design! I am quite honored to be able to show this piece on Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic today. It is a design that I very much would enjoy seeing produced as a kit for the public! And if not there, certainly for Galleries and Collections albeit in much larger scale. It is both impressive, and classic in it’s lines. A beautiful design by Andrew Probert built by a master of this art form, Tobias Richter. I am told that this design is available for a kit producer to pick up and release. Let’s see who steps forward! Nudge, nudge!
I would like to thank both Tobias Richter, and Andrew Probert for allowing us to show this fantastic piece.
To visit artist Tobias Richter’s site, The Light Works, please click the banner link below…
To visit artist Andrew Probert’s site, Probert Designs, please click on the banner link below…