Chris Kelley tagged posts

1:24 McQuarrie Concept X-Wing built by Chris Kelley

Built from the amazing, but now out of production, kit mastered by Richard Long, professional artist Chris Kelley joins the fray of talented modelers who have taken on this design of Ralph McQuarrie’s. Chris used the actual paint scheme that Mr. McQuarrie did in his painting of this piece…. beautiful work.

To contact artist Chris Kelley direct, please click  the banner link below…


To visit the Ralph McQuarrie site, please click the banner link below…


concept x-wing fighter 006

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Studio Scale RED 5 X-Wing #2 by Chris Kelley for the Michael Brandolino Collection

Chris Kelley… a professional modeler’s name that has become very known in the past 6 years! From his mastering of amazing kits… to his extremely fantastic builds, this artist does it all! This Studio RED 5 build was done from a Captain Cardboard Kit (ATOMIC CITY MODELS) and made to be a replica of the actual filming model! Chris continues to show his skills in these builds…. and he has RED 5 mastered! A beautiful build for the collection of Michael Brandolino!

To contact Chris Kelley to order your own RED 5 Replica,

please click his banner link below…


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CLONE WARS Republic Star Destroyer by Chris Kelley

Fantastically built from the Revell kit, professional artist Chris Kelly just finished this commission for a lucky collector. His paint detail is amazing, and rally give this model the depth of realism it needs to really bring you into the piece itself. I would love to see Chris do one of these in a larger scale… say… 3 to 6 feet. I can’t imagine what detail he would add then. It would be glorious! This piece is beautiful!

To contact Chris Kelley direct regarding this Kit, please click his banner link below…


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Collector Alert!! 1:24 X-Wing “Red 5” by Chris Kelley

Built from the original Captain Cardboard kit (Atomic City Models), professional artist has made this piece a near perfect replica of the RED 5 Studio Model used in Star Wars – A New Hope! This truly is one of the best RED 5 paint jobs I have seen to date. And… Chris is offering to build TWO MORE for any Collectors wanting to have a beautiful replica for their display. Chris even placed the smoke colored glass in the canopy just like the original model that was first displayed by this Gallery HERE. Plus, the mirrored base and metal plaque make this a true museum display! A stunning piece of work!

To contact Chris Kelley to order your own RED 5 Replica,

please click his banner link below…


To contact Atomic City Models to PURCHASE this amazing

Studio X-Wing Kit, please click the bu...

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NEW UPDATE!!! 41 Inch! ROTJ Blockade Runner KIT from Chris Kelley

January 24, 2011 UPDATE!!

To contact Chris Kelley direct regarding this Kit, please click his banner link below…


I am extremely anxious for this fantastic kit’s release. Chris has been working extremely hard to get the detail accurate for the Return of the Jedi version of the Blockade Runner. Many don’t realize how different it is. It has side guns… a different paint scheme, and even different gun mounts and detail. Here are the most recent photos followed by reference of the actual studio model Chris is using to replicate it’s details…

Runner Guns complete 002

Runner Guns complete 003

Runner Guns complete 006

runner guns close 002

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runner guns close 004

And now some of the reference being used for detail…



Runner front view


Blockade runner full view


ROTJ Runner 003

Nov. 18, 2010 UPDATE!!

Getting even closer to it’s release, Professional Model Maker Chris Kelley has an update to show his commitment of excellence on this kit...

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SOLD!! Studio Scale X-1 Museum Display from Chris Kelley


This beautiful Museum display was recently offered by Chris Kelley. All the regular winged displays have been sold, however there are two ‘damaged’ wing  versions still left. They were replicated to look like the Vader TIE after his collision with his wing-man in Star Wars – A New Hope! Placed on a Death Star paneled base, and covered in a beautiful clear acrylic case, this studio scale piece is now in the hands of a lucky collector from Wisconsin, USA. If you are lucky, you to might be able to get one of the ‘damaged’ wing versions before they too are gone forever. I am telling you… as regret is something I have faced in many collection decisions because I waited. Don’t miss this one! To view the Damaged Wing version, please click HERE.

To inquire about this museum piece f...

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SOLD!! Studio Scale Vader TIE Fighter X-1 REPLICA’s from Chris Kelley

There are only a few of these being offered…. I can’t imagine they will last long! Fully professionally built and detailed as the “Damaged Wing” Vader Tie (as seen in A New Hope), there are ONLY three of these available to the public. They each come with an ICONS Style Death Star Paneled Base, with a professional metal plaque and a clear acrylic case! This museum quality piece is rather large at Studio Scale! Mr. Kelley has informed me he has 2 of these ready for delivery as I type this, with the third nearly completed. This is a great offering for three very lucky collectors!

To inquire about this museum piece for price and/or ordering, please click his banner link below…


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SOLD!!! Darth Vader’s Damaged Wing Studio Scale TIE X-1 REPLICA’s

X-1 Drew 016

Custom Made

DIRECT from the Model Shop

of Master Modeler

Chris Kelley

THREE Darth Vader Studio Scale TIE X-1 Fighter REPLICAS


Wing Damage

as seen in

Star Wars – A New Hope

Each piece is carefully hand crafted by Chris Kelley himself

and comes with an Acrylic Clear Case with 1/4″ Black Acrylic Bottom

to show off this magnificent piece of Star Wars history!

The Base itself is the Death Star surface with a clear acrylic rod

holding up the Vader TIE X-1 as if it were flying!

For beauty & accuracy, the base was cast direct from the old Death Star base

panels the now defunct company ICONS once used with their displays

over 10 years ago.

Also included is a fully detailed cockpit with Vader Figure inside!

The Price is $980 (U.S.) Per Damaged Wing TIE X-1 Fighter with Display

and incl...

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