Chris Kelley tagged posts

OUT OF PRODUCTION!! Chris Kelley 41 Inch Blockade Runner!!!



Star Wars

HUGE 41 Inch!!


$1275 U.S.

TantiveIV 148


Here are photos of the first castings!!!

To view more about this Kit,

please visit Chris Kelley’s section by clicking HERE

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.


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Below is an example build of the 41 inch Runner sitting next to the already fantastic 27 inch Randy Cooper Blockade Runner kit that is always available…

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Note the difference in the spines between

Randy’s ANH version and the Kelley ROTJ version…

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TantiveIV 134The ROTJ version actually had lit windows on it’s spine!!

Chris made certain to include them as an option!!!



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ILM “ROTJ” Model Shop Version Example…

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Chris Kelley 41 Inch Blockade Runner


Star Wars

HUGE 41 Inch!!


$1275 U.S.

TantiveIV 096

HOLY MOLY! Chris Kelley is nearly ready for this magnificent KIT Release! After speaking with Chris, and finding out what comes with this amazing kit, not to mention how FEW there will be, I am surprised to find out the cost of this MASSIVE kit to be so reasonable!!

First there will be parts included to make ALL THREE versions made for the Star Wars Trilogy and Tour Display!! The “A New Hope” version, ILM “Return of the Jedi” Model Shop version, or the “Return of the Jedi” Theatrical version!!! There may also be plaques made for each kit!


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41 Inch Blockade Runner KIT – FIRST CASTINGS – from Chris Kelley

This has been a kit that has been long awaited, but for great reason…. QUALITY! Kit maker Chris Kelley has just sent me today the photos of the first cast parts for this fantastic upcoming kit! Check it out! This will become available very soon me thinks!

To view more about this Kit,

please visit Chris Kelley’s section by clicking HERE

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.


TantiveIV 128






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SOLD!! 27 Inch SMT Millennium Falcon KIT!!!




The 27 Inch SMT Kit

of the

Millennium Falcon


Plus shipping and Insurance

THIS is the fantastic and infamous garage kit that Lucasfilm shut down! As such… being that they do not exist any longer….this kit is VERY RARE and COLLECTIBLE just in Kit form alone! The 27 inch Falcon is highly detailed and being offered a a reasonable price for what it is. This is a fantastic collectors piece indeed!



To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


Millenium Falcon 001

Millenium Falcon 006

Millenium Falcon 007

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COMING JULY 2012! 41 Inch Blockade Runner – a WIP by Chris Kelley

It’s coming closer and closer…. the release date of this amazing Chris Kelley Kit!! This Blockade Runner kit will have two different spine’s to represent either the ROTJ gunship version… or the original ANH version that we first saw being chased by Vader’s Devastator Star Destroyer! Chris has thought of everything in creating this ‘high-end’ kit. I have decided to order two for the Gallery in order that we can represent both versions in this size. Heck… maybe we can even order three to also be done as the first time-line version of this ship as seen in Episode 3, when Obiwan takes Padme Amidala to give birth of the twins, Luke and Leia, aboard Senator Organa’s Tantive IV… which we would later see as our worn out Blockade Runner...

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KIT UPDATE! 41 Inch ROTJ Runner from Chris Kelley

Artist Chris Kelley began a project last year that has been keeping all eyes upon him in anticipation for this next kit he is producing…. a 41 inch Blockade Runner from Return of the Jedi! Here are his latest photos…

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.


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To view earlier progress photos for this upcoming kit…



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SOLD!! Fully Lit Studio Scale TIE INTERCEPTOR from Scott Boon


Star Wars

Studio Scale

TIE Interceptor!



Plus Shipping


Here is my finished studio scale TIE Interceptor that I am selling for $750 plus shipping.

It’s made from the Chris Kelley kit, but also features a scratch built cockpit, cannons and main lasers, engines and front mounts and a Kenner TIE pilot. There is some warping of the wings but it is minimal.

As usual for what I offer is a handmade gloss acrylic and wood base with a custom plaque from Matt at Laserfire creations which reads “Seinar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor” within the Star Wars Logo. It is mounted on a panavise so is fully moveable and also attached with micro plugs which can be undone for transport.

Be well


To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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Upcoming KIT PROGRESS!! 41 Inch ROTJ Blockade Runner from Chris Kelley

I must admit to being extremely excited about this upcoming kit. We have seen some beautiful kits of the A New Hope Runner in different scales. This kit the Chris Kelly is mastering is a massive 41 inches in length! As stated in the title it will be based off of the Runner we viewing in Return of the Jedi. It had different guns and a different paint scheme than that of the A New Hope version! “Exciting” is the word of the year!

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.


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Chris Kelley 41 Inch ROTJ Blockade Runner Kit WIP CONTINUES!!

The kit everyone has been longing for is getting closer to the finish line! Artist Chris Kelley is making dreams happen with his creation of the Blockade Runner seen in the Return of the Jedi film! Painted differently, this piece also has many additions that the Tantive did not have in A New Hope. I am already in line for one of these pieces…. don’t miss out!

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.


Photo of the Blockade Runner as seen in ROTJ


Photos of the master patterns being made..

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View EARLIER Progress of this Kit by clicking HERE!


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KORBANTH Super Star Destroyer built by Chris Kelley for the Richard Sung Collection

I must say that these KORBANTH SSD kits are extremely well received! The fine details placed on them really make them look larger than they are…even at it’s 37.5 inch length. Professional modeler Chris Kelley really built this piece well with an ominously cold, industrial paint job… as is needed for the Executor look. Built for the Richard Sung Collection in Hong Kong, Chris Kelley did a fantastic job!

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