Gravity Colors Airbrush Paint Review
It’s nice to see in this hobby new items coming out to support both the hobbyists and manufactures. In this case it would be Gravity Colors, which is a company that was established in Europe in 2013 (now with a satellite location in Delray Beach, Florida USA.) It was created to supply plastic scale model builders with premium quality automotive paints, making it possible to paint car models with the exact color shade that was used in the factory by the car manufacturer.
Now I know what you are thinking, “they are made specific for car modelers”, which is true… to a point. If you think outside the box and look beyond what it’s intended purpose is for, you can most likely use these paints on any science fiction model of your choice. For example, two of the colors that were sent to me to test out for the video below; Mercedes Fire Engine Red and Aston Martin Silver Fox along with their Surface Primer, will be used exclusively on both the Black Hole Maximilian and V.I.N.Cent plastic model kits produced by MPC. When I had a choice to pick colors, those were the ones I picked to use on those specific plastic model kits, it took a little time (and luck) to match colors with reference photos but I think I did pretty well. After testing the paints out and in my opinion, I really thought they were the best paints to use on those kits.
If you’ve never heard about Gravity Colors I believe the video below will give you more detailed information on the “who, what, where and when” about their products and how they perform. I hope you enjoy the video review and if you have any questions, comments or subjects you would like covered in my monthly blog, you can contact me at jason@videoworkbench.com.
Thank you for the support and MODEL ON!!
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Jason Gares
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