Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back
This hand crafted piece is 25 inches in length! It has moving Air Brake Panels, Revolving rear gun, and open fuselage paneling for realism! Painted to resemble Wedge’s Speeder in The Empire Strikes Back… this is a deal of a lifetime!
This is what Chris has to say of this piece…
Hey guys, I want to broaden my model building, by learning how to cast pieces, and vaccuform. My next build will include my first crack at these two techniques. Unfortunately, my job only pays for bills, so my hobby needs to be funded on the side. So I am selling my very first scratch built model of the Snowspeeder so I can pay for supplies. If you are interested then just email me at morsesith21@aol.com. For those who didn’t see my WIP thread, the model is 25″ long and 21″ wide, nearly twice the size of the MR SS. It includes working air-breaks and a swiveling harpoon gun. There are lots more pics of the speeder in this RPF thread:Scratch Built Studio Scale Snowspeeder FINISHED!!!
Thanks for looking!
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