STAR TREK The Motion Picture
(HUGE at 34 Inches Long!)
U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 Refit
by Thomas Johnson
$2,500 U.S.
Plus professional packing, shipping via UPS and insurance.
Contact Thomas Johnson at modelshipbuilder@aol.com
This is a very large 1/350 scale replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 as she was seen in the Star Trek Movies 1-3. It is 34 inches long, 17 inches wide, and 15 inches tall on its stand. If you own one of the Master Replicas 1/350 Classic TOS Enterprise models, this model would be a perfect companion piece, as it is in the same scale. This model is painted to match the 8 foot long filming miniature as closely as possible. It features the intricate shimmering multi-colored Aztec pattern, just like on the filming model that was sold at the Christies Auction in 2006. The photos of the filming model were used as reference in creating this model, and the result is a near perfect match. It has a highly detailed Botanical Garden, Officers Mess, and Hanger bay. You can look through the windows to see inside these areas, where there are people standing (my camera won’t focus through the windows) and through the removable Hanger Bay doors to see inside the detailed Landing Bay, which has shuttles and crew inside. This model is fully illuminated (including the spotlights that blast out onto the ships hull to light up the ship’s markings) and the ships Running and Navigation Lights blink as seen in the movies. Different lighting options include having just the windows light up, flood lighting only (+windows), impulse engines, deflector dish and photon torpedoes are on a separate switch, as are the warp engines. This means you can recreate any scene or shot from the movies that you like. A plug in 9-volt transformer powers the model. It is lighted by all LEDs, and is designed to last for 150 years or more, assuming it is left on 16 hours per day. You can hand this model down through the years to your children if you like.
This model is NOT a toy and is intended as a collectible for adults only. It will be packaged & shipped by the UPS Store safe shipping, and shipping insurance is of course mandatory. Packing & shipping is a flat $150.00 within the mainland U.S.A. Overseas buyers please contact me for a quote.