Category Revell/Monogram

1:32 Colonial Viper by Christopher Callaghan

This is a great build of the Revell Monogram Colonial Viper by artist Christopher Callaghan. What really makes this piece is his weathering on this fighter. And I just love how his snow backdrops really make the model seem to pop. I love when artists utilize natural light and backdrops for the models. Nicely done. Another point of impression is how durable this model is even when thrust into real snow! It shocked me at first to see it that way. But what a beautiful shot it made! I hope Christopher doesn’t mind, but I took the liberty of digitally removing the stand from the Viper in the first photo. I couldn’t resist finding out what it would look like skimming the snowy surface.

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

Viperfection 006A

diorama 003

Viperfection 007

Viperfection 008

Viperfection 009

Viperfection 010

Viperfection 011

Viperfection 012

Viperfection 013

Viperfection 003

Viperfection 004

Viperfection 005

Viperfection 001

Viperfection 002

Viperfection 015

diorama 004

Viperfection 014

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1:32 Viper’s MK I and MK II by Kishimoto, Hiroshi

Shown in the Japanese Modeling Magazine “Character Age” these two fantastic Viper builds were done by Mr. Kishimoto, Hiroshi. One of my favorite things about Vipers is how great they look beat up. Artist Kishimoto really captured the essence of Battlestar Galactica with his styled builds of both these great pieces. I find myself wondering what next he will be showing. Outstanding work from Japan Artist Hiroshi Kishimoto of the Japan STAR WARS Modeling Alliance!

To contact artist Hiroshi Kishimoto direct, please click HERE.

To visit his site, please click the banner link below…


To purchase the Viper Mk II kit, please click on the MOEBIUS banner below…









Purchase the Magazine these two amazing Models are

featured in… click on the magazine cover below…


View this fantastic video of t...

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1:4105 Battlestar GALACTICA built by Christopher Callaghan

Today I have the pleasure of introducing another artist to this Gallery… Mr. Christopher Callaghan. His first showing is of the Monogram Re-release from Revell models and was done pretty much as so. This is a great example of how good the original offered model kit can look with a paint job and extra attention to detail placed on where originally there was none on the kit. Christopher’s choice to photograph it in the snow was quite clever as well…. and made the Battlestar look even larger than the kit truly is. I am going to enjoy showing this artists works.

To contact artist Christopher Callaghan direct, please click HERE.

Revellogrom build up 033

Revellogrom build up 032

Revellogrom build up 034

Revellogrom build up 036

Revellogrom build up 037

Revellogrom build up 039

Revellogrom build up 041

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1:72 FAUN SLT-50 Elefant by Sean Brannin

This is another fantastic piece from pro builder Sean Brannin!

Here is what he has to say…

The FAUN is fully finished and mounted on its base with cargo. I felt the Luchs was the best overall for it. Adding the cargo meant making the tie down chains and their attachment points on the trailer. The model was entered in a contest back in may and took first place in its category and best small scale armor. I will admit that the competition was small but the other models there were top notch.

Overall a very fun and enjoyable model to build. References are abundant at . Many kudos to Revell Germany for tooling this one up. Lets hope they or Trumpeter do a modern Russian transporter. US and UK transporters would be nice too...

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“Perry Rhodan” Space Jet by Dieter Bihlmaier

This unique piece is from a German Science Fiction Novel Series called Perry Rhodan. Built by pro artist Dieter Bihlmaier, this piece caught my eye immediately when he showed it on the professional modeling board “RESIN ILLUMINATI“.

Here is what he had to say…

This is a kit from Revell of Germany. It represents a small spacecraft from the German sci fi novel series “Perry Rhodan”. I added some small details and altered the decals a little bit. It´s a simple kit and easy to built. ( Sometimes you need such “easy” kit´s )
Dieter Bihlamier

To contact Dieter direct, please click on his banner link below…








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Heinkel He-162 “Antarctica Scheme” by Dieter Bihlmaier

This beautiful build is done from a Revell kit by master artist Dieter Bihlmaier. Once again this artist impresses me with his use of amazing weathering and real-world effects. Beautifully done!

To contact Dieter direct, please click on his banner link below…







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Ventor Class Republic Star Destroyer by Vicente Ocete Moguel (Darth Gatus)

What a beautiful build this is! Built from the Revell kit, master builder Vicente Ocete Moguel leaves nothing undone about this piece. Even the top opens to view the entire Launch Bay fully lit and equipped with a full compliment Fighter/Bomber Wing ready to go! The individual paneling and great optical lighting really make this piece as realistic as it can be for this size! A beautiful build from Vicente Otece Moguel!

To contact Vicente Ocete Moguel direct, please click HERE!


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Republic Star Destroyer by Tim Nolan

This is one of my favorite designs of Star Destroyers from Star Wars. When Revell released this kit I thought it to be small… like when MPC released the Imperial Star Destroyer originally decades ago. However, now viewing what this kit may look like when done by a professional… well let’s just say I am a fan! Introducing to this Gallery… I bring you master modeler Tim Nolan! As you can see Tim used extreme lighting (by VooDooFX) on the small kit and made it look very large! Even the guns fire with a different color through the fiber optics!  A truly beautiful and inspirational build! Taking a basic kit and making it look this grand? Very professional indeed!

To contact professional modeler Tim Nolan please click HERE.


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“Burning Coruscant” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

INSANITY! Even for a Clone! Suddenly finding themselves fighting their own brothers, whom after hearing “Execute Order 66” turned on, and killed their Jedi Masters, this small band of 11 clone Troopers seemed to have missed something! “Order 66?!! What the hell is that?!! Turning on your Jedi Masters is treason… and yet our brothers have all done so! And now they have turned on us as well?!!” Thought Commander Stingray as he and the other 10 Troopers fight for their lives after stealing two ARC-170 fighters as Coruscant burned around them. Jammed into the two ‘acquired’ fighters, and very confused, yet trained to adapt they manage to evade most of their battling clones…. still having to destroy some they new well in order to preserve their own lives...

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ARC-170 by Carlos Levischi

Built from the small, but impressive Revell kit, talented artist Carlos Levischi shows us just how the smaller kits can look like Studio Pieces! His use of layered weathering and markings is beautiful! This is one of those prequel designs I fell in love with! Plus… this is a piece we rarely see built… and artist Carlos Levischi did great work with it! I am looking forward to showing even more of this artists work in the near future!

To contact artist Carlos Levischi, please click HERE


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