Ricardo Martinez Jr. tagged posts

Kevingston “NEWSPAPER” Bus by Ricardo Martinez Jr. of South American Models

Once again Ricardo Jr come forward with another fantastic miniature piece…. the KVN 09 Bus! Beautiful work!

Here is what he has to say…

Hello to all! This is not a recent work and was made around 2009, as is stated on the letters on the roof “KVN 09″….

These buses are exclusively made to be displayed at stores of a local franchise “Kevingston” (KVN).

After building many of these and shifting colors many times, I wanted to do something new. The idea of a “Newspaper Bus” related to the pop culture came along. I was lucky to have found a museum webpage which had many acrobat files digitalized of “old” newspapers. I printed the pages on common paper and glue them in tiny pieces at the time, until I covered the outlined area...

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1:10 Carousels – Custom Made and Offered by American Miniature Carousel/South American Models


I am very impressed with this Company’s artist crew from South American Models….. American Miniature Carousel. Today we show their first release of this beautifully detailed miniature Carousel. The colors painted, and the smallest of details added were painstakingly hand crafted by this talented crew of artists from Buenos Aires. Absolutely beautiful work! The best part is that these beautiful, hand crafted pieces are for sale direct!

To contact American Miniature Carousel direct about a Carousel build, please click HERE.

To visit the American Miniature Carousel site, please click the banner link below…


To contact South American Models direct, please click HERE!

To visit the South American Models site, please click the banner link below..


This carousel build took about 15 months...

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1:10 AEC Rapid Transit Bus by Ricardo Martinez Jr. of South American Models

This beautiful replica is another jaw dropper for me! This artist, and his entire family always manage to pull off replicas that look real! This Rapid Transit Bus is magnificent in every way. As told in an earlier showing of his, artist Ricardo Jr. stated that he replicate the paint jobs of the tiny matchbox vehicles… making his builds like large versions of them. Beautiful!

To contact South American Models direct, please click HERE!

To visit the South American Models site, please click the banner link below..






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1:25 JU52-3M Junkers by Ricardo Martinez Jr. of South American Models

The artist family that makes up South American Models has completely floored me with their excellence! Here today we show these fantastic Junkers that Ricardo Jr. built. The detail and finish of these birds are so realistic it is scary! This family has no lack of talent. Ricardo’s build’s prove yet again that they are world class miniaturists!

To contact South American Models direct, please click HERE!

To visit the South American Models site, please click the banner link below..







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12 Foot! WarHammer Role Playing Game Diorama by South American Models

The Martinez Family and South American models is back with this amazing diorama display that is a an actual role playing game arena for WarHammer! The detail in this is incredible as is the lighting! I am very much impressed with the skills of this family. The builders include:

Ricardo Sr. – Lead design, main scenery creation.
Gabriel Martinez – Scenery first assistant
Jorge Martinez– Scenery second assistant
Ricardo Jr. – Wiring led lights, scenery third assistant, and wargame playing consultant.

This is what Ricard Jr. has to say of this magnificent piece…

This is a 12 foot long, 4 foot wide, and 3 foot high, “Warhammer” wargame role playing diorama...
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