Jeff Pollizzotto tagged posts

FOR SALE!! John Eaves ‘inspired’ 36 inch ECS Norris Scratch Built by Jeff Pollizzotto




36 Inch



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Inspired by designs created by industry known John Eaves, and named after the actual Navy Destroyer, this fantastic creation is amazingl! There is something about this piece that really draws my attention. The design is very interesting withe shuttle bays and cargo areas! I like this piece very much.
Here is what Jeff has to say…

Another scratchbuild project that was inspired by the work of Mr. John Eaves…

I wanted to build something a little different (for me) and I loved the starship designs of John Eaves such as the ECS Endeavor, Horizon and Fortunate.

The inspiration came from a small lighting connector I was using to hook up some fluorescent lights. The connector looked like a good shape for a cargo container...

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FOR SALE!! Pegasus “Mercury 9” Diorama by Jeff Pollizzotto



Mercury 9 Diorama

$500 USD

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Artist Jeff Pollizzotto is back with this fantastic diorama! The lighting on this is spectacular as is the finish of the piece!

This is what Jeff has to say…

Pegasus  “Mercury 9”  Diorama

I wanted to do something extra with this excellent kit so I decided to make a full diorama utilizing the parts from the kit as a basis.

I felt it would be fun to expand the basic look with some extra buildings and a raised launch platform. In reality the launch facilities would be a few miles away from the launch area but as this is only a representation…artistic license prevails.

The base is made with a piece of grey formica (mounted to a piece of 3/4″ MDF) scribed to represent concrete...

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SOLD!! Scratch Built UFO by Jeff Pollizzotto




$300 USD

Plus Shipping

Once again artist Jeff Pollizzotto shows us his fantastic skills with this amazing scratch build of a UFO. It seems to have all the necessary components that the many who claim to have seen such craft have described. Absolutely beautiful!

Here is what Jeff has to say…

I scratch built some UFO models to use as photography subjects for my stock photography side business. The first of the three is this “captured” UFO on a stand. (Yes, it was inspired by the film “Independence Day”).

Installing the various LED lights was the most challenging part of the build and the power supply is built into the model. I needed to have the batteries internal so I could photograph the UFO’s without worrying about wires...

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SOLD!! Pulse Rifle “Inspired” Gun Prop by Jeff Pollizzotto



PULSE RIFLE “Inspired” Prop

$300 USD

Plus Shipping

I love PROPS! Almost as much as I love studio models! Today we get to show a beautiful, custom made Assault Rifle that was inspired by the Marine Pulse Rifles in the film ALIENS! I must say again about artist Jeff Pollizzotto….. he never disappoints in any project he places his mind to do! I love this prop piece!

Here is what Jeff has to say of this creation…

This was a fun project that was inspired by the Pulse Rife seen in “ALIENS”.

When a co-worker friend of mine showed me the Canon ink jet printer cartridge he just removed and replaced from the printer at work, I was amazed! It has a very interesting shape but the first thing I thought of was some kind of rifle...

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SOLD!! 1:537 USS COURAGEOUS Destroyer from Jeff Pollizotto




Rick Sternbach’s Drawings

of the Marshall Class!!

17 Inches at 1:537



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U.S. Sale Only

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Scratch built one of a kind museum quality miniature of a USS MARSHALL class destroyer as seen in the 1980 Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology book from Pocket Books.

Drawn by Rick Sternbach, the Marshall Class was one of my favorite designs in the Chronology book.

Even though I loved the design, I wanted to do my own variation using the basic design as a start and giving it a more modern look. Styrene is used exclusively for the construction and LED lighting was added to the warp nacelles. The model is 1/537 scale and measures 17” in length.

It is powered by a 9v battery installed in the stained wood base which includ...

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Hover Tank by Jeff Pollizzotto

Artist Jeff Pollizzotto returns with this great build of a Hover Tank! Fantastic!









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“Dragons Domain” by Jeff Pollizzotto

While he gets his new site up and running, artist Jeff Pollizzotto sent this to me to show… I love Dragons!

“Dragons Domain”

I had picked up this resin baby dinosaur kit at a model show a few years back and it sat for a while. After reading the book “Dinotopia” I was inspired to do something other than a spaceship and this is the result.

I converted the “dino” into a young dragon figure and put it into a diorama scene.

The dragon horns were sculpted from A+B putty as well as the wing bones (these over a wire armature). The “skin” for the wings was made from a household napkin that had a skin like texture on it.

I made up the landscape from some urethane sculpting foam. Various diorama rocks and grass were then added to the base. The stream he is wading in was made with water resin.

The mai...

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USS Whittington by Jeff Pollizzotto for the Karl Southcott Collection

Out of the hands of famed artist Jeff Pollizzotto and into the known collection of Mr. Karl Southcott this fantastic piece has gone! And what a magnificent piece it is!

Built from the SFSM vacuum form kit, this build was a collaboration between Karl and myself to do something a little different to the standard Stargazer ship. As much as I like the Stargazer design (it’s a love/hate relationship for many fans) I felt it needed some upgrades to improve the basic design.

Always a question in my mind was: Why is there no forward deflector dish? Most other Trek ships are equipped with one so I had to add it. The logical (sorry) location is at the front of the saucer so out came the hanger bay and in went the dish. A big improvement.

The other area that I wanted to change were in the engine nace...

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1:72 STAR WARS Dogfight Diorama by Jeff Pollizzotto

This artist always come up with brilliant builds… and this diorama is just another successful notch in a belt that is getting very long! Jeff Pollizzotto again makes these models come to life with his fantastic skills!

Here is what Jeff has to say…

This is another diorama I did after Fine Molds released their super 1/72 scale Star Wars kits.

I used the base that came with the ERTL Tie fighter kit and made an RTV rubber mold and then I cast up two copies to build the base and background for the diorama. The base section was left intact but the one to be used for the background was cut up and reassembled in a different configuration to give the parts a unique look...

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Pegasus Classic Martian from “War of the Worlds” by Jeff Pollizzotto

Another beautiful piece from Jeff Pollizzotto! Check out what he has to say about it!

This is the new Pegasus Martian kit from the classic George Pal “War of the Worlds”. This was a fun project and I took it to the next level of detail with a new base and glowing eyes. I felt that the stock base was to small for the extra parts (the books, smashed probe head and neck piece) so I went ahead and scratchbuilt a new base replicating the look of the Martian during the farmhouse scene where Dr. Forrester and Silvia first meet the alien visitor.

The figure sits on a 7″ square wood base with real plaster and wood debris surrounding it. The Martians eye is lit as well as the probe head eye but the LED in the probe head flickers as if the probe was burning out. Enjoy!!

Jeff Pollizzotto

JP ...

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