43 Inch Cylon Base Star – LEGO Build by Garry King

I simply cannot get enough of this artist’s works! Garry King is a LEGO Master Builder that I am honored to show on Modeler Magic. Here is his Ron Moore CYLON Base Star…… HUGE at 43 inches! Fantastic!

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10 Inch APC by E. James Small

Famed artist E. James Small is back with this magnificent Halcyon APC kit build… and some amazing photography!

The APC is done...

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Year 5 Enterprise by Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery

This “Year 5” Enterprise with a back-story is fantastic! Very creative indeed! Nicely done by Rebellion Creations artist Orne Montgomery!

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Scratchbuilt USS ENTERPRISE/NCC-1701 in 1/350 scale.


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Mech “Rabid Bear” Diorama by Chad Crafts

One of my favorite games was Mech Warrior. Chad Crafts is showing today his build of the “Rabid Bear”diorama…with it’s massive guns! I love it!














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1:316 Millennium Falcon by Dr. Mark Burnette

I love miniatures! I have the great pleasure of introducing another miniaturist to our Gallery today…. Dr. Mark Burnette...

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Studio Scale Y-Wing by Marc Elkins

Marc Elkins has been extremely busy in his shop! Today he is showing this fantastic Studio scale Y-Wing he created for his own collection...

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The Fifth Element MONDOSHAWAN “Hero” Prop Head from the Hector Rosales Collection

Major Collector Hector Rosales come forward again with another fine piece for all to view...

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HASBRO Sandcrawler Studio Conversion by Paul Nyul

I love when artist Paul Nyul sends me project updates he is working on. Especially those that are surprising to my eyes...

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TRON Recognizer scratch build by Péter Bíró

Who doesn’t know the TRON Recognizer?!! I absolutely love with artist Péter Bíró created with this piece! I would enjoy seeing someone make a 2 foot tall kit of this someday…...

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AMT Enterprise Bridge WIP by Mike Makkreel

The old AMT Enterprise Bridge Kit! I remember mine well. So well in fact that I remember how badly my own turned out! This build will not be so...

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