2001:ASO – Aries 1B Studio Model up for AUCTION – Photos provided by Gene Kozicki

2001 A Space Odyssey is a huge piece of Science Fiction film making history! All the studio models used in the film were thought to have been destroyed...

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Jesus Marin Vadillo Continues his Hasbro Falcon Conversion!!

Jesus is really doing amazing work on this Hasbro conversion! WOW!!









Jesus Marin Vadillo

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


To view more on this CONVE...

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Studio Scale Cloud Car by Dan Grumeretz

Artist Dan Grumeretz came through for the collection once again! This studio scale Cloud Car came to us partially built by artist Mike Salzo...

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Cooper Blockade Runner by Jean-Marc Deschamps

Two in one day! Fantastic! We don’t get to show Jean-Marc that often, but when we do… we will take it! Beautiful work!









To contact this artist direct, please click the banner link above.


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Blade Runner “SPINNER Over Police HQ” by Ivar Kangur!

This is just beautiful…… by artist Ivar Kangur!

Spinner Over Police HQ

This shadowbox shows Gaff and Deckard leaving Police HQ in the Spinner...

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DeAgostini DELIVERS!! Studio Scale Millennium Falcon PARTS!!

Last week I received a package via UPS… my first from DeAgostini’s Model Space… with parts for the studio scale Millennium Falcon! Obviously a smile came over my face as I began to open the box...

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Moebius BATMAN Tumbler by Tony Celliers

Here is the latest model, the Batman Begins Tumbler. I waited a while for the release of the Moebius model as it seemed to have the detail I was looking for...

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Cooper Sandcrawler INTERIOR – WIP by Ray Lawson II

Artist Ray Lawson is making an interior for his Cooper Sandcrawler! With tiny figures as well! Fantastic!

Here’s progress shots of the Sandcrawler for my wife,I’m planning on building the main floor...

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KIT ALERT!! Space 1999 Glider from Larson Designs/Lunar Models



Space 1999


Kit Producer: Larson Designs Glider Support (1)

Kit Scale: 1/72

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: 8

Kit Price: $35 USD Plus Shipping

Shipping Amount: $5 within USA / All oth...

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Studio Conversion RED-5 X-Wing by Andy Lee

Just having worked with Kelly Clarkson on a new Mix of her music, artist Andy Lee returns with this fantastic Studio Conversion of the RED 5 X-Wing Fighter! Of note: Andy is taking commissions on thes...

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