Toy conversions to fantastic displays is one of this art forms greatest pleasures for those looking for moderate accuracy on a budget! I have several toy conversions myself for pieces that simply are not available, but that are made to be fantastic studio displays by the amazing artists who take them on! Such is this artist! I am honored to introduce the works of Mirko Martinovic! I have seen his work before and now we are able to show it in order to inspire more viewers around the world! The “Forgotten AT-AT” is truly magnificent in both displays shown here! Impressive!
Here is my “Forgotten AT-AT” scene I made and sold on eBay. After selling it, I had a gentleman from N. Carolina whom commissioned me to make him one,… so I did 2 of these in total. I included pictures of the before and after process. “G.S. Portraits” is the CEO (Gary Smith) of our company who took some clean pictures of my stuff for me in his studio.
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Build #1..
..and Build #2