Category Marc Elkins

UPDATE #1! TWO Kuhn Global Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 BUILDS by Marc Elkins

This is a small, but significant update as to what Marc has done to the Nacelles with his fantastic scratch built parts. Currently, George of Timeslip Creations is busy with 2011 Wonderfest Preparations so while pieces are being created, there will be a slight delay until after WF this year. He states we should have all the parts completed by the end of 2011. By the way… some of these parts are being mastered by famed artist Scott Spicer… which I am very excited to report. Until these parts come in…. and even when they do, there will be some scratch building done to make these two studio models even more detailed than the original filming model...

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Forbidden Planet C-57D Space Ship by Marc Elkins for the Philip Novak Collection

I must admit to being floored at the fit and finish of this fantastic piece by Marc Elkins. This is one of the most recognizable ships of classic science fiction, and Marc did this piece the justice it deserves. I don’t know how he achieved that exterior fuselage finish, but I can’t stop looking at it! Plus… the detailed interior! Fantastic!


NOW in the Collection of Philip Novak!










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IT BEGINS! TWO Kuhn Global Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 BUILDS by Marc Elkins

Dreams…. everything begins with dreams. Then again…. something may come along and inspire a dream. That is what Star Trek did for millions… including myself, and my commissioned artist for this project…. Marc Elkins. The Motion Picture Refit is regarded as one of the best known designs in Sci Fi history. Many consider it to be the most beautiful of all the ships named Enterprise that we have seen. This is indeed a grail piece for both myself… and artist Marc Elkins.

Last year I was contacted by artist George Takacs of TIMESLIP CREATIONS about a possible kit of the Studio Scale Enterprise Refit. I, like a few other collectors, jumped on the opportunity to get something that is completely rare...

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AT-ST Scout Walker by Marc Elkins

Famed Las Vegas Artist & Modeler Marc Elkins is back with this beautiful AT-ST! Painted and weathered to resemble the studio model, this is a piece that any collector would drool over! Beautiful work! It s always a pleasure to be able to show Marc’s works here on the Gallery site.









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UPDATE! Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 Refit KIT & BUILD

January 27, 2011

George sent me photos of the Bridge Module today…. and my jaw dropped in AWE! He is ready to cast this as it’s own kit altogether for those who may not have the room for the FULL 8 foot Refit model. Did I state he was ready to cast? Yes I did! However… being the model maker of detail he is… and just plain insanity… George informed me that he is also making the the VIP Lounge to be displayed inside the rear windows of the Bridge Module! FANTASTIC!! Will somebody PLEASE grab me a drool bucket?!!




To contact TIMESLIP CREATIONS for inquiries into this KIT, please click their banner link below…


December 9, 2010


Please pardon the scraggly photo of me, as I have been ill this week...

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NEW Studio Scale X-Wing from Poseidon Young HAS ARRIVED!

When I returned yesterday, I was extremely happy to see a package from Poseidon Young waiting for me on my desk. Of course I opened it immediately! The first thing I noticed was how well packed this kit was. Everything triple wrapped in bubble wrap and clear packing tape…. COMPLETELY sealed. That alone was fantastic, but when removing the bubble wrap, I found each piece professionally heat sealed in it’s own plastic bag! Like it was a mass produced, quality product! Again… I was impressed. THEN I saw the casting quality….. my jaw dropped! I felt as if I were looking at a high quality, styrene injected kit! Every detail crisp and clean. I found little to no bubbles in the parts I opened. I did not open all of them because it would soon be shipped to a professional builder, Mr...

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COMPLETED!!! – Nostoromo with Narcisuss Shuttle by Marc Elkins

GOOD LORD! Just when I thought it was safe to scream in space…. master modeler Marc Elkins again shoots his newest progress photos my way to show…..WOW!! Now adding a star field in the background for realism with the display… I shiver to imagine what may come next in his arsenal of ideas! I am constantly in awe of this artists work. Fantastic!












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In Progress PART 2 – Nostoromo with Narcisuss Shuttle by Marc Elkins

This incredible piece keeps getting better and better! Professional artist Marc Elkins continues to awe everyone with this HUGE scaled replica of the Nostromo belly with the Narcicuss Shuttle as seen in 1979’s ALIEN! The shuttle mount is so intricate that it actually moves in and out like the origin did for the movie. Every detail is account for and is absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy these PART 2 Progress photo from master artist Marc Elkins!



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“Found Adrift” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Coming back to the newly constructed Death Star from an outer rim patrol, the ISD Avenger (and here sister ship Accuser) have in tow a mystery vessel found floating adrift in deep space…. unoccupied. “Clearly this is a battle ship of some sort.” Vader thinks to himself as he looks from afar aboard his flagship Executor. It looks very old… and obviously very used in battle. The Emperor will be pleased with this new, ancient trophy. But where did it come from?

After being approached to do this scene by professional modeler Marc Elkins (the master modeler who build both the Avenger and Galactica in the shot), using the photos her provided HERE, and a description of the scene he was imagining… along with a screen capture or two…. I was able to create this new scene.

To view this piece i...

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In Progress PART 1 – Nostoromo with Narcisuss Shuttle by Marc Elkins

As usual, master artist Marc Elkins is doing what most dare not do…. scratch build very LARGE, extremely detailed pieces! This Narcissus is actually being built for his own collection, and shown as part of the bottom of the Nostromo from 1979’s ALIEN. As you can see…. even his docking area matches doors with the Narcissus shuttle model! I am very much looking forward to showing more progress on this piece as Marc sends photos!

Here are a few words from Marc…

Here are some in progress shots of the garage section that will house the shuttle, the gangway pod attaches perfectly to the shuttles hatch on the back of the model, as you can see both doorways are the same, it happens to be a shot in the film that doesn’t get seen too clearly, but it adds to the realism that the modelers w...

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