Thomas Johnson tagged posts

SOLD! TOS HD Enterprise 1701 by Thomas Johnson



From the HD Re-Mastered Original Series

Enterprise 1701

$4,000 OBO

Plus Shipping


This is the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 as seen in the Remastered Version of the Classic TOS Star Trek Series. It is in 1/350 scale and is 33 inches long, 16 inches wide, and stands 14 inches tall on its base. It features an near perfect paint job and correct weathering details all over the hull, and the correct profile lines from all angles. The model is fully illuminated with very long lasting LEDs. All windows and engines light up as seen on screen. NAV lights blink correctly. The Bussard collectors are animated with the correct flashing light patterns, and the internal cages rotate giving the perfect spinning effect, exactly as seen on the show...

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SOLD!! 1:1000 Enterprise 1701 & 1701 Refit by Thomas Johnson


Thomas Johnson


1:1000 Enterprises

TOS 1701 & TMP 1701 Refit

$1000 for the SET! OBO

This is your chance 1:1000 scale fans to own fantastic builds of both the original 1701 and The Motion Picture refit! Artist Thomas Johnson is now offering both of these beauties together!

TOS 1701








TMP 1701 Refit








Thomas Johnson

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.



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SOLD! HUGE, 1:350 Star Trek TMP Enterprise 1701 Refit by Thomas Johnson


1:350 (34 Inches!!)

Star Trek The Motion Picture

USS Enterprise 1701 Refit


View MORE photos below…

This is a very large 1/350 scale replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 as she was seen in the Star Trek Movies 1-3. It is 34 inches long, 17 inches wide, and 15 inches tall on its stand. If you own one of the Master Replicas 1/350 Classic TOS Enterprise models, this model would be a perfect companion piece, as it is in the same scale. This model is painted to match the 8 foot long filming miniature as closely as possible. It features the intricate Aztec pattern, just like on the filming model that was sold at the Christies Auction in 2006. The photos of the filming model were used as reference in creating this model, and the result is a near perfect match.

It has a highly deta...

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SOLD!! 1:350 Enterprise Refit with LIGHTS built by Thomas Johnson


STAR TREK The Motion Picture

(HUGE at 34 Inches Long!)

U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 Refit

by Thomas Johnson

$2,500 U.S.

Plus professional packing, shipping via UPS and insurance.


Contact Thomas Johnson at

This is a very large 1/350 scale replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 as she was seen in the Star Trek Movies 1-3. It is 34 inches long, 17 inches wide, and 15 inches tall on its stand. If you own one of the Master Replicas 1/350 Classic TOS Enterprise models, this model would be a perfect companion piece, as it is in the same scale. This model is painted to match the 8 foot long filming miniature as closely as possible...

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Second 1:350 Enterprise 1701-A built by Thomas Johnson

Built recently from the amazing, large Polar Lights kit from Round 2 Models, master builder Thomas E. Johnson once again shows us that the Enterprise is still one of the most beautiful designed Starships ever! His use of lighting and paneling effects are extremely well done. This model could be used in studio filming today with little modification! Once again, enjoy the photos taken by artist Todd M. Stuart!


To contact Todd Stuart for his photography services, please click HERE.

To inquire as to where to get this fine ROUND 2 Model kit, please click on their banner link below…


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1:350 Enterprise 1701-A by Thomas Johnson

Using the incredible 34 inch kit from Polar Lights (Round 2 Models), master modeler Thomas Johnson built this first of two Enterprise 1701’s back in June of 2009. This beautiful piece is lit to resemble that if the actual filming miniature… and done extremely well. This is the first piece we have shown of professional modeler Thomas Johnson and we are looking forward to show many more in the near future! Enjoy these wonderful photo taken of this master build, buy pro photographer Todd M. Stuart!


To contact Todd Stuart for his photography services, please click HERE.

To inquire as to where to get this fine ROUND 2 Model kit, please click on their banner link below…


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