Richard Lindstrom tagged posts

Building the Studio Scale Battlestar Galactica – WIP by Charles Adams & Richard Lindstrom

Who doesn’t know the names of Charles Adams and Richard Lindstrom?!! These two famed artists are currently working on their next build of the studio scale Battlestar with all the bells and whistles! This piece will be superior to the original in every way when it is completed.


It’s time for a long-overdue update!

We’ve had a few more week-long marathon building sessions. The most recent one was just last week. We made every effort to completely finish this beast. Of course, she did her best to fight us every step of the way. LOL

The engine section is now completed and ready for detailing. We’ve spent a great deal of time working on the landing bays. The rear end caps have turned out to be a project within a project...

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Beyond the Infinite – Model Completed & Shipped!!


The model was crated up and shipped out on 9/13. It arrived safely in
New York after more than two weeks on the road.

Considering the huge amount of time and effort that’s gone into this
project (3000+ man hours to date), we took no chances in packing this
model. A huge and very heavy crate was built to protect it. In fact,
we built a crate within a crate and padded it all with foam to absorb
shock and lined it with Styrofoam to protect against heat.

When the crate arrived, I am told there were *footprints* on top of
it so I’m glad we went to all this effort!

Once the model was safely away, I turned my attention to wrapping up
loose ends. Most important was the control box for the lighting
effects. I have kept this secret until now. In fact, not even the
producers of the movie know ...

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9/13 UPDATE!! Beyond the Infinite – Short Film Studio Model Work by Charles Adams, Richard Lindstrom and Crew

Charles Adams, Richard Lindstrom and Crew continue to produce effective results with their amazing build for the short film… Beyond the Infinite!


It’s been a while since the last update. We’ve been working long hours trying to get everything ready for final delivery. The truck will be here this week to pick up the model and there has been a long punch list of things that still need to get done.

The turbine “basket” has been fully detailed and all lighting effects are in place and tested. It looks amazing! If you liked the way it lit up before, just wait. . .

There is so much going on inside the turbine module alone. The inside is hollow to allow for some impressive lighting effects, including an eerie red glow and also a flashing red “photon torpedo” burst...

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8/15 UPDATE!! Beyond the Infinite – Short Film Studio Model Work by Charles Adams, Rick Ingalsbe and Crew

The fantastic updates keep coming from this production model crew!! OUTSTANDING!!


Richard was here for another marathon building session starting
Saturday. We are in the home stretch in our push toward final
delivery. The more we get done, however, the more it seems there is
still left to do! This is one complicated model. . .

We installed the rear cooling module spotlights for a lighting test.
All spotlights are now on individually controlled circuits so the
lighting for each section of the ship can be adjusted independently
to balance out the effects.

Because the open hex module creates a “choke point” inside the model,
there was too little room to run all the wires and fibers through
that area. This forced us to improvise some solutions. I added a rear
wire harness/umbilical to the...

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UPDATE!! Beyond the Infinite – Short Film Studio Model Work by Charles Adams, Rick Ingalsbe and Crew


Artist Charles Adams, Rick Ingalsbe, Richard Lindstrom and crew are working hard to finish the amazing miniature from Beyond the Infinite!

Once again, this is a big update so the photos will be sent in a separate e-mail in an attached ZIP file. Please let me know ASAP if you don’t receive them.

As we enter the final stage of the project, we’re spending more time on smaller details. We got the ring module primed and it will be the “anchor” for final assembly of the model on the armature.

It took about 3 days to build the “basket” for the turbine module. This removable assembly is not only one of the most intricately detailed parts of the ship, it also contains three separate built-in lighting effects. We tested one of those effects — the red turbine glow — and it looked incredible.

The ori...

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Beyond the Infinite – Short Film Studio Model Work by Charles Adams, Rick Ingalsbe and Crew

Famed miniature artists Charles Adams and Rick Ingalsbe recently joined the crew of the upcoming short film Beyond the Infinite. The task of creating the main ship, and turning it into a studio filming model is up to them.. and as you can see they are doing amazing work!

Here is a link to the Kickstarter Page for the film to find out more information…


In April I responded to a post looking for help building a model
spaceship for a short film [LINK]. Since the project was in New York,
I referred this to my friend Rick Ingalsbe who lives in that state.
After some discussion, we decided I would build the model and he
would paint it. A budget was set and design work commenced.

We treated this project as special because in thi...

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