Orne Montgomery tagged posts

LIS Innovation Comics JUPITER II by Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery

Las Vegas artist Eric Montgomery has returned with this fantastic and original build of the Jupiter II!! I love this!

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1/24 scale

by Orne Montgomery

Construction and 2011-dated photos by Orne Montgomery.  All other photos by Andy Harlow.

“It’s Back….and It’s Not What You Expected!”

Coincidentally with the release of Lunar Models’ 1/24 scale Jupiter II kit in 1991 (half-scale to the prototype), the publication of Innovation Comics’ illustrated revival of

the ‘Lost in Space’ TV-series was announced in Starlog Magazine (July I99l, #168).  The article was accompanied by several artist-renderings of a radically modified Jupiter II.  As I already had one of the new kits on order from Lunar Models, the decision was reached to make over the model to resemble the updated spaceship...

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The 1966 1:12 Batmobile (Batura) by Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery

EVERYONE who grew up during the 60’s and 70′ knows this Batmobile! What a fantastic miniature replica Orne did with this piece!


(Seventh Gen – 1/12  Scale)

This is my seventh build of the car (the first was constructed over a Monogram ’57 Chevy in 1988-89, using blueprints I drew up from photos taken of the original car at George Barris’ Kustom Industries shop in 1986); this version was completely built up from styrene strip/sheet, and was somewhat enlarged in all dimensions over the first one, which had been scaled to fit a popular R/C race-car available in the mid-eighties.   Many of the detail-parts from the original versions went un-used, as I scratchbuilt all new parts.   The aft rocket-launchers were cut from aluminum tubing...

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1:128 USRN SEAVIEW by Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery

It has been a while since we saw a build from this artist… and he hasn’t missed a beat with his build of the Moebius Seaview! Very nicely done!

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I picked up the Moebius kit shortly after it was released;  the fit of the parts/alignment was just about perfect and well-thought out, then I started a taking a real look at the proportions and shapes.   The strakes along the hull have semi-rounded edges,  leading into the manta wings around the bow, which grows even more more rounded/blunt.   Also,  the cross-section appeared too flat, with not enough down-curvature  toward the tips.  The largest concern was the egg-shaped Flying Sub bay...

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Year 5 Enterprise by Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery

This “Year 5” Enterprise with a back-story is fantastic! Very creative indeed! Nicely done by Rebellion Creations artist Orne Montgomery!

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Scratchbuilt USS ENTERPRISE/NCC-1701 in 1/350 scale.

Article and photos Copyright 2008 by Orne Montgomery

`           “Captain’s Log, StarDate 2270.3…..We are a weary ship.  Intelligence reports have reached Enterprise that a Romulan armada is massing beyond the Neutral Zone.  A brief yet thorough upgrade of Enterprise has recently been put to the test, with the Klingons, restrained by the Organian Treaty from overt hostilities, supporting an immense Romulan military buildup.  Violent forays into the Federation, launched through the Neutral Zone by Romulan ships with improved cloaking devices, have led StarFleet Command to bolster a stern presence...

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