Dinosaur tagged posts

Elasmosaurus by Ray Lawson II

This beautiful display of an Elasmosaurus was built from an Horizon’s kit, with the coral base made by the hands of artist Ray Lawson II. I love the way he makes these beasts of old Earth come alive.

Here is what artist Ray Lawson II has to say of this fantastic piece…

Here is the first of four dioramas that I am currently restoring of dinosaurs in their natural habitat...

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1:6 Velociraptor “TIGER” by Ray Lawson II

Artist Ray Lawson is back with this fantastic Velociraptor! So realistic looking! I love it!

Here is what Ray has to say about this amazing piece…

This 1:6 Velociraptor was one of the most fun of the original line of Horizon vinyl model Dinosaurs made from the molds of the sculpts from the Jurassic Park movie.  They were actually cast from molds using the actual sculpts that were used to model the CGI Dinosaurs, so they were in more “placid” stances, and were less threatening. When this model came out, I was “contracted” to build quite a few of these kits being that I had a secret to make them more realistic. I went to a taxidermist with the model and ordered a few sets of glass eyes to go inside the models after I carved out the areas before assembly...

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T-Rex “In Progress” by Richard Long

While the parts are being made for the 1701-D, and the Defiant molds are being done, Richard pulled out a fantastic piece that he will be making for Collector Clay Brown. This T-Rex bust is nearly two feet in length and very impressive to view. As I read from Richard’s Sovereign Replicas site, he will be removing the lower jaw of the beast in order to have the finished piece with a slightly opened mouth. It sounds mean just thinking about it. I am looking forward to viewing more of this… especially when the paint texture of the skin comes into play.

To contact artist Richard Long direct, please click HERE.

To visit Sovereign Replicas site, please click their new banner link below..



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