1701D tagged posts

1:900 (28 Inch) Enterprise 1701-D WIP by Rick Sternbach

December 2012
The one and only casting given to Rick of this cancelled Kit

now sits in the Modeler Magic / Kuhn Global Collection

for ALL to view. After the build is completed, photos will follow.


When DeAgostini cancelled the 1:900 Enterpirse 1701-D kit (that they had worked together with Rick Sternbach to produce), many model builders were disappointed. One good thing that will come out of this is that DeAgostini sent parts of one to Rick himself as appreciation for his work. Nearly two months ago, (my apology for the delay) Rick sent me this photo of the Enterprise D (that is held together with tape) to tell me he will eventually build the piece! He let me know that when he does, he would try to show the build here on Modeler Magic...

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KIT CANCELLED!! 1:900 (72 cm) Enterprise 1701-D from DeAgostini

December 2012
The one and only casting given to Rick of this cancelled Kit

now sits in the Modeler Magic / Kuhn Global Collection

for ALL to view. After the build is completed, photos will follow.


That is right!…. You are not misreading the title! This model kit will be over 28 inches long and have clear parts that will display each deck of the Enterprise D from Star Trek The Next Generation. Heavily involved with this project is Star Trek’s own Rick Sternbach, who is assisting with the over-all fit, finish and even with internal decks with sections we never viewed in the TV series or Movie. This piece is being released by DeAgostini, but aside from Japan it is not yet known where this kit will also be released. Cross you fingers as I have several calls out to find out more...

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