Built for the Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic Display Collection, professional artist Marc Elkins nears completion on the remaining screen identified X-Wing Squadron from Star Wars – A New Hope! Built from the outstanding MSLZ22 studio parts, Marc made these as close to the original filming models as he could get them with the existing, but elusive reference. These are as good as it gets people! He did a fantastic job! As he finishes up the Astro Mech Droids that accompany each pilot, there is at least one that we did not replicate… can you figure out which? Marc is finishing up with placing the glass in the canopy areas, then they will be transported to the Gallery for detailed Blue Screen photos and eventual display. They will join the fantastic Red Leader replica that artist R.L. Bleecker made for Modeler Magic as well as the Red 5 replica. Red 12 will be added soon as well, but in closed wing form and made from the Poseidon Young mastered offering. This is EXCITING!
Presenting the remaining ANH X-Wing squadron from Marc Elkins…
RED 2 – Wedge Antilles
RED 3 – Biggs Darklighter
RED 4 – John D.
RED 6 – Porkins
Here are a few shots of the X-Wing on the bench…
I will be compiling information we have already established here on Modeler Magic for a new KIT ALERT that will again comprise all options for obtaining X-Wings, and their options very soon. A one stop shop for all X-Wings! So stay tuned!