Red 5 X-Wing Studio Model

After posting these originally back in December 2008, then pulling them due to the commotion they caused within the Hobby, then again with R.L. Bleecker posting them on the Resin Illuminati, I thought it time they came back to where they started… right here on this Gallery. As requested, I removed my logo and the Lucasfilm/ILM logo I had originally placed upon these great photos.

The first five of these photos were never released to the public before being released here on this gallery. The others are from photos taken of Red 5 by the original company that released the 1:72 X-wing plastic model, plus some outstanding screen captures by R.L. Bleecker.

I wish to thank R.L...

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BLUE 4 X-Wing Studio Model

Photo taken at the Archives, and given to me by an anonymous source after it had been given to him, and so on, and so on down the line of the inner circles… here is a photo of the side of what is marked as being BLUE 4. Obviously this has red markings and in fact was a Pyro model for the Star Wars films. I have been informed of a few modelers that have the other views of this bird, that are planning builds of it so that everyone will finally know what it looks like. Hopefully those who have those photos will be kind enough to contribute it to everyone in the hobby for better, more accurate builds.

To view the FULL sized, high resolution photo of Blue 12, just click on the photo below…


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Red 3 X-Wing Studio Model

Given to me by Jason Eaton a few years ago (~2007), these photos were taken of the RED 3 X-Wing Studio Model from Star Wars – A New Hope inside the Lucasfilm Archives in 2005. The reason these were taken was for Master Replicas… when they were going to re-produce an X-Wing to release to the public. These are the BEST Red 3 Studio Model photos available! I thank Lucasfilm, Master Replicas, Jason Eaton, and whomever the photographer is in contributing them!

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Red 2 X-Wing Studio Model

Photos taken by Ken Rice, Uwe Fischer, and some published scans, these are the best photos of the Red 2 Studio Model I have yet to find.

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Red 1 ( Red Leader ) X-Wing Studio Model

As with the RED 5 Studio Model Photos, after posting these Red Leader photos originally back in December 2008, then pulling them due to the commotion they caused within the Hobby, then again with R.L. Bleecker posting them on the Resin Illuminati, I thought it time they came back to where they started… right here on this Gallery. As requested, I removed my logo and the Lucasfilm/ILM logo I had originally placed upon these great photos.

The first five of these photos were never released to the public before being released here on this gallery. The others are from photos poorly scanned of Red 1 from different sources.

I wish to thank R.L...

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USS Intrepid from ENTERPRISE

Here are a few CG renders of the USS Intrepid as seen in the series ENTERPRISE!

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CG Model V-Wing

Here are a few CG renders by two artists as seen in Star Wars Ep III Revenge of the Sith! The V-Wing is by DOUGX, and the R2 unit is by Pixeltec… both members of Sci-Fi Meshes.



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availabili...

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CG Model TIE Interceptor

Here are a few CG renders by an unidentified artist of the TIE Interceptor from Star Wars Ep VI Return of the Jedi!



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time...

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CG Model Slave One by Douglas E. Graves (deg3D)

Here are a few CG renders of the “Jango” Slave One by brilliant artist Douglas Graves (deg3D) from Star Wars Ep II Attack of the Clones. Absolutely beautiful work by one of the best in the industry.

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Republic Star Destroyer

Here are a few CG renders by an unidentified artist of the Republic Star Destroyer (RSD) from Star Wars Ep III Revenge of the Sith.

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