Eastern Alliance “Stazi-Class” Destroyer
*Kit Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models LLC
*Kit Materials:Resin
*Number of Pieces: 21
*Kit Price $80.00
*Shipping Amount: $10.00 domestic, $18 international
*Shipping Restrictions: None
*Kit Availability Date: Now
*Payment Methods: PayPal, Check, MO
*PayPal E-Mail Address: FantasticPlast@aol.com
Kit URL:https://fantastic-plastic.com/EasternAllianceDestroyerPage.htm
*Kit Description: The is a 1:288 recreation of the Eastern Alliance Destroyer featured in the “Battlestar Galactica” (TOS) episodes “Greetings from Earth,” “Balstar’s Escape” and “Experiment in Terra.” The kit was mastered by Alfred Wong and cast by Millennium Models International (MMI). Decals are by JBOT. The finished model is just shy of 13 inches long.