Battlestar Galactica
Colonial Viper Helmet
Plus Shipping & Handling
October 4, 2011
$175 Non-Refundable Deposit Required
“Forefathers of the Egyptians…”
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The first release from our classic Battlestar Galactica line will be the Colonial Viper Pilot Helmet. To celebrate this momentous launch the helmet will be a dual signature edition and will come with a special plaque signed by the two stars of the show upon whose heroic heads these iconic helmets sat, Richard Hatch (Captain Apollo) and Dirk Benedict (Lt. Starbuck). We are extremely pleased to be working with both of these fine actors to deliver this ultimate Battlestar Galactica collectible.
In keeping with the concept that life began not on Earth but across the far reaches of the universe and that these scattered tribes of humans may have been the original settlers of our own planet, the design of the Colonial Viper Pilot Helmet from Battlestar Galactica is suggestive of Egyptian design. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
For our replica helmet we were loaned an original hero helmet by a private collector. The helmet, marked inside as “Starbuck”, can been seen in the images above. Complete with the switch gear, wiring and working incandescent bulbs which surround the upper and lower face plate, the helmet had been used through the filming of the original series. After the show was cancelled, this helmet was repainted for use in the Universal Studios Tour Battlestar Galactica attraction, and is a different color than originally seen on screen.
Using this hero, we digitally scanned the helmet and passed the data to Mark Costas, our digital modeler, to clean up and correct the asymmetry of the original sculpt and fiberglass casting.
Mark remodeled the scan data, mirroring one side across to the other and adjusted the dimensions to make sure that they “fit” within the confines of the original scan data.
This gave us with a perfectly engineered symmetrical helmet which remains accurate in overall size to the hero helmet it was modeled from. Luckily another private collector stepped forward and offered us the chance to compare our digital hero helmet with his original Captain Apollo hero helmet. Side by side they looked spot on.
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