Registrations have begun for the new Moebius Models “Advanced Weathering & Painting of Vehicle Models” class at the 2014 Jerseyfest Academy.
This all day, “hands on” class will cover various advanced techniques for painting and weathering a vehicle model, with the subject being a Moebius Models Viper Mk 2 Model Kit from Battlestar Galactica. However, the methods to be learned will apply to any vehicle or mechs model. The class is designed to appeal to all levels of hobbyists (pro, novice or beginner). It will be held from 9:30AM to 4:00PM at the Hanover Marriott Hotel on Friday, August 1st, 2014, which is the day before the weekend long vendor show. It will focus on “unique techniques” for hand painting with acrylic paints thinned with lacquer thinner and weathering techniques using enamel washes and stains.
Each attendee will receive a fully prepared, built and primed Moebius Viper Mk 2 Model Kit to paint during the class and take home with them. They also will receive all the paints and supplies needed to paint the Viper during the class.
The class instructor will be Kevin Derken, who is one of the greatest Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) painters in the world. Kevin is a classically trained artist turned model maker and painter. His unique style has been published in Hobby Japan and Model Graphix and has graced the cover of “The Weathering Magazine”. Kevin shows his work at fine art galleries and has won multiple awards at model shows around the world, including winning the “KOW YOKOYAMA AWARD” (Best in Show – judged by Kow himself) at the Maschinen Krieger Showcase 9 in Tokyo, Japan in November of 2013. His blog A1-plastik.com is updated with his work almost daily.
Attendees must register for this class in advance and seats are limited.
See class details and instructions on how to register here: https://jerseyfestfair.com/?page_id=3128
See latest list of Jerseyfest vendors and artists here: https://jerseyfestfair.com/?page_id=343
To get an idea of what the kit looks like painted, see buildup below by Oliver Vanbiervilet.
Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC
To visit JerseyFest Fair site direct, please click the banner link above.
To contact JerseyFest Fair direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.
Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC
Dave Tarmachio
SITE: www.jerseyfestfair.com