Category Building the Studio Scale Motion Picture Enterprise

OUT OF PRODUCTION! TMP Enterprise Impulse Deck – Studio Scale from TimeSlip Creations




STAR TREK:TMP Studio Scale Enterprise Impulse Deck

*Kit Scale: Huge at Studio Scale _DSC0110
*Kit Materials: Resin
*Kit Price: $100.00
*Shipping Amount:$25.00
*Kit Availability Date: Now
*Payment Methods: PayPal

*PayPal Address:

*Kit Description: The Impulse deck will include a vinyl mask for the crystal and laser cut plastic for the grille.

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.





Purchase ALL the Studio Scale TMP Enterprise Kit Parts…

Visit out TimeSlip Creations area by Clicking HERE!


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OUT OF PRODUCTION! TMP Enterprise Bridge Kit – Studio Scale from TimeSlip Creations




STAR TREK:TMP Studio Scale Enterprise Bridge

*Kit Scale: Huge at Studio Scale TMP_Enterprise_Bridge_01
*Kit Materials: Resin
*Kit Price: $210.00
*Shipping Amount:$14.95
*Kit Availability Date: Now
*Payment Methods: PayPal
*Kit Description: For those who don’t have the room for an 8 foot long Enterprise model comes the next best thing! The complete Bridge section from the studio scale Enterprise. The saucer base is 15″ in diameter. The kit has 18 resin parts, 4 of the resin pieces are clear. The kit’s VIP lounge is based off of Proberts’ concept drawings.

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.




Compare to the ACTUAL Studio Model Shown Below!


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I have to say how impressed I am with TimeSlip Creations in their ability to create this beautiful studio scale Enterprise Refit Kit from Star Trek The Motion Picture. This project seemed almost like an impossibility with the size alone that the kit would be…. a full 8 feet! Did that stop George of TimeSlip? No it did not! I am extremely happy to say that I received the last parts created as needed for the massive 4 foot Enterprise engine nacelles! THEY ARE NOW COMPLETE! Excitement tore through my computer as I received photos of the amazing parts layout, followed by a phone call from build artist Marc Elkins stating how fantastic these parts are… and how perfectly they fit together!

Here is what Marc has to say…

Not all the parts are ready to be test fit but the ones that could fit extre...
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OUT OF PRODUCTION! HUGE!! Studio Scale TMP Enterprise Nacelle Parts from TIMESLIP CREATIONS




STUDIO SCALE TMP Enterprise Refit Nacelle Parts

*Kit Producer: TimeSlip Creations 101_2274

*Kit Scale: Studio Scale (Based off the 8 Foot Filming Model)

*Kit Materials: Resin

*Kit Price – $375.00 U.S. plus shipping

*Shipping Amount: $24.50 USA / Worldwide – Please Contact

*Kit Availability Date: SOON!

*Payment Methods: PayPal

*PayPal E-Mail Address:

*Kit Description:

Hello Enterprise builders!

The next batch of patterns are done and in hand.  These are all of the small parts that go on the nacelles.  They are all the parts except the grilles and top hump.  Those parts will be done next month.  The parts number about 38 – 40.    I will be sending out instructions where they go...

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UPDATE #2! TWO Kuhn Global Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 BUILDS by Marc Elkins

I received and excited email, followed by a very exciting call this afternoon from one of my regular build artists… Marc Elkins. As you have read in previous updates HERE and HERE, Marc is building two studio scale TMP Enterprise Refits from a kit that TimeSlip Creations is releasing in sections. Let me tell you… not only did George Takacs of TimeSlip Creations impress me with his parts offered, but his professionalism of promised and quick delivery is fantastic! Thank you George! I received a second email from Marc with these photos you see below.. and a brief write up of the product we received today from TimeSlip Creations...

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UPDATE #1! TWO Kuhn Global Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 BUILDS by Marc Elkins

This is a small, but significant update as to what Marc has done to the Nacelles with his fantastic scratch built parts. Currently, George of Timeslip Creations is busy with 2011 Wonderfest Preparations so while pieces are being created, there will be a slight delay until after WF this year. He states we should have all the parts completed by the end of 2011. By the way… some of these parts are being mastered by famed artist Scott Spicer… which I am very excited to report. Until these parts come in…. and even when they do, there will be some scratch building done to make these two studio models even more detailed than the original filming model...

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IT BEGINS! TWO Kuhn Global Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 BUILDS by Marc Elkins

Dreams…. everything begins with dreams. Then again…. something may come along and inspire a dream. That is what Star Trek did for millions… including myself, and my commissioned artist for this project…. Marc Elkins. The Motion Picture Refit is regarded as one of the best known designs in Sci Fi history. Many consider it to be the most beautiful of all the ships named Enterprise that we have seen. This is indeed a grail piece for both myself… and artist Marc Elkins.

Last year I was contacted by artist George Takacs of TIMESLIP CREATIONS about a possible kit of the Studio Scale Enterprise Refit. I, like a few other collectors, jumped on the opportunity to get something that is completely rare...

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UPDATE! Studio Scale TMP Enterprise 1701 Refit KIT & BUILD

January 27, 2011

George sent me photos of the Bridge Module today…. and my jaw dropped in AWE! He is ready to cast this as it’s own kit altogether for those who may not have the room for the FULL 8 foot Refit model. Did I state he was ready to cast? Yes I did! However… being the model maker of detail he is… and just plain insanity… George informed me that he is also making the the VIP Lounge to be displayed inside the rear windows of the Bridge Module! FANTASTIC!! Will somebody PLEASE grab me a drool bucket?!!




To contact TIMESLIP CREATIONS for inquiries into this KIT, please click their banner link below…


December 9, 2010


Please pardon the scraggly photo of me, as I have been ill this week...

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