Category A – D

OUT OF PRODUCTION!! 1:24 TWA Moonliner Kit by Atomic City


In Scott Alexander’s own words…

Please note that this kit in limited production and is now sold with the Rocket and the base as separate purchases.

The 1955 TWA Moonliner is 39-inches tall, a 1:24 scale model kit of the ship that stood at Disneyland outside the “Rocket to the Moon” attraction, from 1955 to 1966. Kit includes all parts, paint templates, Microscale decals. The legs are reinforced with cast-in brass tubing. Also of note is the cockpit canopy– it is cast in brass for the ultimate in strength!

Orders can be made through PayPal, using the email address below. If you want to pay by mail, please send a check or money order to:

Scott Alexander
804 Laura Lane
Hanford, CA 93230

Please send any questions to the email address in my signature.


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1:24 Moonbus by Atomic City


In Scott Alexander’s own words…

I have been getting a lot of questions regarding the subject of a Moonbus kit and when it might be available. So, the object of this topic is to post information about the development of this kit. It is 16 inches long, 1:24 scale. Figures will be included.

One thing that should be mentioned is I am not doing the work on this. I have way too many other things to do myself, so Randy Cooper is making these masters for me.

Now, since I know someone is going to ask– the price for the kit will probably be $275. I don’t know what the shipping charge will be.

One of my goals is to make it possible to install Lightsheet in the main cabin ceiling. The kit will NOT include any Lightsheet...

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Stealth EDI Studio Study Model

Photos courtesy of Barry Murray, here is the EDI Studio Study Model they used and studied to make the CG version for the film Stealth.

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Kuhn Global Blue Screen – Studio Scale V1 “PYRO” Cylon Raider Replica from the 1978 Series…Battlestar Galactica by R.L. Bleecker – Now in the Marc Elkins Collection

This Version 1 (V1) Cylon Raider Studio Scale replica was masterfully built and painted by R.L. Bleecker in 2006. The studio scale kit itself was mastered off an original pyro model (used in the 1978 series) that we believe may have cast from what ICONS Replicas once sold as a Studio Scale Replica from Battlestar Galactica. Artist Mark Dickson, under Jim Key’s company, made it so. Later on, this would become a Kit which would be sold by Jesse Meyers, and then by Kit and Pattern maker Mike Salzo (MSLZ22 Models). Today the kit is sold by Kit Maker Jason Wright of JAWS Models in Australia.

Here are the Blue Screen Photos I took of this model during a few trial lighting tests. Unfortunately I never went back to actually photograph it correctly...

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CG Model V-Wing

Here are a few CG renders by two artists as seen in Star Wars Ep III Revenge of the Sith! The V-Wing is by DOUGX, and the R2 unit is by Pixeltec… both members of Sci-Fi Meshes.



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availabili...

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CG Model Slave One by Douglas E. Graves (deg3D)

Here are a few CG renders of the “Jango” Slave One by brilliant artist Douglas Graves (deg3D) from Star Wars Ep II Attack of the Clones. Absolutely beautiful work by one of the best in the industry.

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Mk II Shuttle – Designed by Charles Adams – Final by ZOIC

December 20, 2008

Designed by famed modelers Charles Adams, Mark Dickson, Don Bergren and Fabio, here are a few CG renders of the Shuttle from Battlestar Galactica – The New Series. Below the photos is the full background of how this shuttle came to be… as told by Mr. Charles Adams!

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