Yesterday I received an email from the amazing artist who designed the Ron Moore GALACTICA as well as a few of that shows other designs… Mr. Eric Chu. Among them was the design that only saw screen-time once in RAZOR…and was destroyed… the Battlestar Berzerk! His email showed me, and a few others something I never thought I would see, and yet… something that would bring me back to 1979…when I did the same thing. Albeit much better than my 4 foot 1979 build of the Galactica….. artist Garry King created the Battelstar Berzerk with LEGOs! And thus has sparked an entire new area for this gallery of amazing pre-fab block and material art works. I love this piece! And it is GIGANTIC at over 73 inches long! The detail on this is amazing! I was never able to find any contact information for artist Garry King, so please… if you know him… or are him… please contact me at chris@modelermagic.com. I am very interested in showing more of your creations sir! GENIUS!!! I see you have many, many more to choose from. I hope to hear from you sir.
To view MORE of artist Garry King’s works, please visit the FANTASTIC
Lego Building site, MOC Pages, by clicking their banner link below…