Talk about a fantastic job…. that is what Marc did exactly with this ORIGINAL 1980 MPC release of the 1:22 Snowspeeder model from The Empire Strikes Back. I had been saving this model for just this presented occasion… to accompany an AT-AT that is to scale with it! Yes, that is right!… the MSLZ22 MEGA AT-AT (SEEN HERE)! This speeder makes for a perfect diorama display that we are going to have done very soon for all to view! Anyone who knows this kit can tell you how small it really is, yet not too small to be a mini miniature! LOL. Marc never the less placed spectacular detail into this with his paint up of it! Take a look at the back grill! Purposely damaged to be more… “Rebel” like…. this model exudes that same feel throughout! The imperfections of the kit actually improved it’s realism as being a Rebel based vehicle! Marc certainly captures every bit of action and intensity of this tiny fighter. He even made the pilot figures that came with the kit…. which do not match at all…. actually look great! Right down to the markings on their helmets! Just beautiful work!
For photographing this piece I used the Canon Rebel XTi. The model was photographed against the professional Blue Screen foam material created and sold by https://www.eefx.com. The lighting used were three (muted) 500 watt bright white (blue) bulbs.
Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global Inc.
Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic
Once again my mug shot with this tiny bird…
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