Artist Alfred Wong never ceases to amaze me with his fantastic works! Shown here today is one of those prime examples!
Here’s my build of the Mk.9 Hawk by Replicas Unlimited. When I patterned my 1/48 kit of the same subject many years back I sized it down from the 32” studio model which was supposed to be 1/24. So my kit ended up about 16”L, which always did look too small to me. I couldn’t figure out how the crew could fit in that cabin. At 20” L the RU kit looks just right in size. It’s a nice kit but it is missing a LOT of surface detailing, and the nose is too rounded with not enough flair out around the “cheeks”. The nose cone is too small as well. Here’s the WIP page on my website where I detail many of the changes and additions to the basic kit: https://alfredsmind.ca/wip/HawkWIP.html
Here are pics of the finished model, as well as comparisons to my old smaller kit.