I have the great honor of introducing another fantastic artist to this Gallery site…. Canadian Artist Steve Broderick. His first showing is a fantastic build of the amazing Atomic City Models 1/2 Studio Scale kit. Painting it to resemble the studio model used in filming, this is a beautiful piece! I am looking forward to showing more of artist Steve Broderick’s work.
Here is what Steve has to say of this build…
Here is my version of Atomic City’s S.S. Botany Bay from the original Star Trek episode “Space Seed”. This kit is the closest you can get, in terms of detail and accuracy, to the original studio model. However, some parts are not included in the kit and need to be made from scratch such as the center section thrusters, the five panels behind the cargo containers, and also a thin styrene strip needs to be added on each side, right under the area where the center structure drops off towards the rear engines.
I decided to paint this model to match as closely as possible the actual color of the filming model, which was a beige / brown color. I used Model Masters’ Wooden Deck Tan and Earth Red. It turned out to be a pretty close match. To give more detail to the model, I did subtle panels throughout the model surface using different shades of both colors in order to give the ship that worn look. Each resin and plastic antenna, and the support rods, were replaced with metal rods and cut perforated metal sheets.
Thank you!
Steve BroderickCanada