SS Botany Bay tagged posts

1/2 Studio Scale S.S. Botany Bay by E. James Small

This is one of those timeless, classic builds of a ship known to all who know Star Trek. The ship that brought Khan to Kirk in the original series… the SS Botany Bay! Beautifully built from the Atomic City Model kit by industry famed master modeler E. James Small, this piece is now in the lucky hands of a collector! Jim’s amazing talents brought this piece to life with his use of subtle paint paneling and weathering to age the vessel! Beautiful work!

Here is what Mr. Small has to say about this great piece…

“Here’s a model of the “Botany Bay” spaceship as seen in the original series Star Trek episode “Space Seed” (where “Khan” is introduced), built from the Atomic City kit. The model was quick to build, with few flaws...

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