PC Case Mod tagged posts

USS EURISKO – A PC Case Mod (WIP) by Sander van der Velden

Because this has much to do with sculpture and creativity, I simply had to show this man’s work. This armored Voyager type model is no model at all…. but instead a liquid cooled PC Case! Artist Sander van der Velden (aka ASPHIAX) really snagged my attention with this case mod that is currently third a competition that is considered one of the best in the world….. from Coolermaster.

Here is what Sander has to say of this WIP PC Case…

I would like to contribute my work for the last 5 months. It might not be completely what you are used to but I would like to show you what I have been up to.

Its Called the USS EURISKO – Intrepid mark II class and she’s 1,54 meters long, 61 cm wide and 34 cm high. And its a high-end PC! A water cooled PC actually...

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