Matt Jeffries tagged posts

Intergalactic WAR – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Ever since I viewed Jim Grahams build of the Leif Ericson, (SEEN HERE from the old AMT kit), I had wondered how it could be used in a composite. I was going to copy the old box art from the kit at first, but then I thought of trying something else. I began to search the internet for any scene this model may have been in. I found very little on the subject. When AMT released this kit in 1968 as their own line of Starship model (as they had been successful with the Star Trek line), they were  hit hard with small sales of the subject. I remember getting one, building it, and even playing with it. But it was nothing like Star Trek. The Ericson was even designed by Matt Jeffries… who design the Starship Enterprise...

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