Borderline Reality tagged posts

CG X-Wing by Borderline Reality’s John Howley

I have the great pleasure of introducing Borderline Reality to this Gallery. Artist John Howley began making this X-wing mostly by memory of what he saw in Star Wars. Today, after receiving the actual filming model photos from Modeler Magic, and the full sized prop, he is going to make a second X-Wing that will be an idealized version of what we all viewed. I am looking forward to viewing more from the artists at Borderline Reality!


Today you’ll find 6 images of the X-wing model I made last year. I should probably point out that NOTHING on the Star Wars models I reproduce is of my creation. Everything on these models can be seen on the models used in the movies. The X-wing held a bit of a problem with that as I could never find an image of the back of the models used in the films...

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