Blade Runner tagged posts

Blade Runner BLIMP scratch build by Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is one of those artist’s names that is known for quality. This is no different as one looks into the masterful creative abilities he is displaying in is creation of the Off World  Advertising Blimp we all viewed in Blade Runner! This piece is magnificent with all it’s lighting… and even an LED screen that has the exact same video playing upon it as the original did. This is a masterpiece of genius.




Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is a model builder who has spent the past fourteen years working with Star Wars license holders including Master Replicas, EFX, and Sideshow, creating paint masters and prototypes for many of the studio scale and scaled props, ships, and characters seen in the Star Wars films, and is honored to continue the work in this new era of Star Wars subjects...

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1:12 HERO Spinner


*Kit Name:  Studio Scale Spinner
*Kit Producer:  Randy Cooper Models
*Kit Scale: 1/12th
*Kit Materials:  Resin / Clear plastic
*Kit Price:  $475 U.S.
*Shipping Amount: Calculated per Destination
*Shipping: Worldwide
*Payment Methods: (PayPal, Money Order)
*PayPal E-Mail Address:

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.



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NEWS!! Ridley Scott to Direct New ‘Blade Runner’ Film!!


But is this a sequel or a prequel? A reboot or a remake? What?

Posted by Kate Erbland Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:26:00 AM

We’ve known since March that Warner Bros.’ financing and production company Alcon Entertainment was working on securing a rights package (one that included rights specifically for prequels and sequels, not remakes) for Ridley Scott’s iconic sci-fi thriller “Blade Runner,” but news has been quiet since then. Not so today. Deadline reports that the film’s original director, Ridley Scott, is set to direct and produce a new “Blade Runner” film that “advances [the] seminal and groundbreaking science fiction film.”

The exclusive news doesn’t come with many details – it’s unknown if this next film will be a sequel or a prequel, whether any of the ori...

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Kit UPDATE #3 The 1:12 HERO Spinner from Randy Cooper

Simply stated…. Randy Cooper is one of the best known modelers in the world today. Among the tens of thousands of capable model makers out there…. only a hand full can do what he does. This is yet another example of his fantastic talent. The Blade Runner HERO Spinner is a very complex shaped piece, and Randy has it looking as if it were as easy as making a sandwich! I am always in awe of Randy’s abilities. This future kit is no different. Enjoy the update photos Randy provided to show everyone. To view earlier updates, please click HERE.

To order one of these kits, or to simply find out more about it,

please click on Randy’s Banner link below

and it will take you to the order and information page


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Kit UPDATE #2 The 1:12 HERO Spinner from Randy Cooper

Hard at work in the industry leaves little time to make kits, yet Randy Cooper always makes time to do so. Now back at work on the Blade Runner HERO Spinner… here are the latest photos of Randy’s progress!

To order one of these kits, or to simply find out more about it,

please click on Randy’s Banner link below

and it will take you to the order and information page


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KIT UPDATE! 1:12 Blade Runner Hero Spinner from Randy Cooper

I am very pleased to announce that Randy is back from his Film Making duty’s and has begun work again on a very anticipated kit…. the Blade Runner HERO Spinner! Below are a few photos of the pieces he has made so far…

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To order one of these kits, or to simply find out more about it,

please click on Randy’s Banner link below

and it will take to to the order and information page


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