Modeler Magic viewers and participants…. after viewing what I did in Las Vegas yesterday of the TMP studio Refit Saucer parts, along with the other parts we have accumulated from TimeSlip so far for the studio TMP Refit, I must say that this is the project of the year. TimeSlip has outdone themselves with these parts! They fit so well, and are so clean that even famed builder Marc Elkins is praising them to be the best he has seen! Quoting some of what Marc stated to me… “These parts look like they are from the most quality styrene injected kit maker in the world, and they are huge in studio scale! They fit nearly perfect! You cannot get better than this!”. I must agree, anyone buying one of these kits will not be disappointed! I cannot wait to show the first photos of the two studio TMP Refits we have ordered being built side by side by Marc! My drooling has commenced!
Pictured above is TimeSlip owner George Takacs holding a small model Refit while standing in
front of the studio scale TMP Refit Saucer he sent had made, then to Marc Elkins
Pictured above is Kurt Kuhn (me) on the left, with artist Marc Elkins on
the right, both of us impressed with the quality TimeSlip has placed into these kits
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To contact George Takacs direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.