OK… my jaw has dropped yet again for Garry work with Lego’s! You amaze me Garry!
I have for you another viper to add to your vast impressive collection and hope you like this one.
There is not much to say about this one , except for it is a modified version of the amazing Lego Digital Designer Stephan who designed the white viper I had first posted with you.The main alterations that have been done is that the nose cone has been made longer and tapered. The top rear turbine has been made larger to give it a more proportionate look.
I will be soon starting on the 13th Tribe Baseship and colonial Battlewagon. I am using the designs that you have posted on line to use as a guide. The detailing will be mine and over the top but the designed shape will be as accurately as I can possibly do.
Cheers for now!
Garry King
LEGO & Model Miniatures
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