This is the coolest Lego build EVER! We have seen mega vessels and even characters built from Lego’s before now, but THIS? Ship interior’s!! OUTSTANDING!!! Garry…. you are amazing!
As a BIG thank you to Stephan Schumann for allowing me to build his LDD of the MII Colonial Viper. I have created this rather large section of a launch tube rather than a launch rail like I built before for my Ralph McQuarrie Concept Viper.
So this Launch Tube has been scaled to the Viper which is currently waiting for all the elements that are on order.
I have built the Viper from all of my elements that I already have.
The Dimentions are as follows
1300mm long X 640mm wide and 440 mm high
51.57 inches long X 25.19 inches wide X 17.32 inches high
And very heavy.
For the marvels of added effects I used a string of outside LED garden lights in all of the illuminated areas. When I first placed another brand I had laying around I was not happy with the results so I used a much brighter set of lights and without the added fun of lengthy exposures the outcome that you see would not have been so fantastic. I did a test shooting a week ago and was thrilled with the results and sent them to someone who would appreciate the images and as an extra ego trip he thought the images were of a image from the movie. Then at that time I knew I had a winner. “ Thanks Bart”
The views are only shown from the opening for now. Other views will be taken after the viper has been completed so it will more of a surprise for all to see including me.
Thank you for looking .
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