B-WING Helmet Kits
(Pricing is Subject to Change by Seller)
Various BASE Kits from $175 to $195 USD
Plus Shipping
Here’s nearly the full BLUE FLIGHT group of B-wing pilot helmets from Return of the Jedi. These replicas are made of thermal formed styrene, PETG, resin castings, wiring, cables, with fabric, foam and pleather detailing. They are painted primarily with tamiya paints and weathered with airbrush and dry pigment techniques. Photos of the right sides of these helmets are not available so we used some artistic liberty on those details, keeping in line with some continuity seen in similar helmets and basic SW aesthetics.
The build blog for these is at: http://goldenarmor.com/rebel-helmets
The kit is composed of:
- 2 vacuformed shells for left and right
- Several resin cast greebles
- Blue 2, Blue 5 and Blue Leader include extra thermal formed visors (sometimes a clear version and a regular styrene version that forms the frame.
vinyl decals - **Separately I can provide the mic stem, clip, leather and tubing for the foam liner.
Cristofer Adrian
Golden Armor
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